Amazon Interview Experience for SDE1 Summer Internship (Off-Campus) 2023

The hiring process consisted of 3 rounds :

  • Online assessment Round(OA)
  • Technical Interview Round (Only 1 round was taken in my case)

Online Assessment Round:

The assessment was taken on Hacker rank. It consisted of only 2 coding questions; I would say 1 was easy and the other was medium-level.

1st question:

The question was from an array topic and it is easily marked on LeetCode. Just sort and compare.

2nd question:

This was a question from the DP series where there were two strings s1 and s2 and we needed to convert one string to another and have only 3 operations.

  • Replace any character
  • Delete any character
  • Insert any character

This question requires a lot of practice on DP and recursion.

This question is Edit distance from GFG :

Technical Interview Round (45 minutes):

We were provided an amazon chime link for the meeting.

There were two interviewers for me both male . Amazon calls their employees as Amazonians ?

First of all, the interviewer introduced himself and asked me to introduce myself. Then he asked me to open the document(this online doc was already provided in the link) as well as told me to share my screen as well. He asked me only one DSA question and luckily got the easiest one from stack.

So, the question was to think of a data structure that has a time complexity of O(1) for the following four operations.

  • push an element
  • pop an element
  • finding minimum element at any point after pushing or popping
  • finding maximum element at any point after pushing or popping

This question is similar to Design a stack that supports getMin() in O(1) time and O(1) extra space:

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