ZS Associates Interview Experience BTSA

First of all, we both started with our introductions.

Then the interviewer started asking about my previous experience like what I have learned from there and if I was able to meet the deadlines or not. The interviewer asked me about my project which I have written in my resume and he started cross-questioning while explaining the project.

The questions were like 

  • Why did you choose this project
  • What is different in your project
  • Time is taken to complete the whole project
  • How do you find the requirements of the project
  • Why have you not deployed the project
  • Then after answering all the above questions he started with the DBMS Questions 
  • What are joins? explain with examples
  • What is normalization 
  • Acid properties 
  • Some SQL queries to solve
  • After this, there were some behavioral questions like 
    • What would you like to do: working with a team or yourself?
    • There were 2 more questions but I didn’t remember them.

After answering the above questions he asked me if I have any doubts or not and completed the interview.

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