Yellow.AI Interview Experience 2023


  • Education: NIT Jamshedpur
  • Experience: 0 yrs
  • Internship: 3 months Intern @Kohli Media LLP. as Entry-Level Frontend Developer (In 2nd yr of my B.Tech. Grad.)

Job Description:-

  • Company:
  • Title/Level: Software Development Engineer-I
  • Offers: FTE + 6 months Intern
  • Location: Bangalore
  • Eligibility Criteria: 7.5 CGPA and above

Selection Process:-

Consisted of 3 rounds:

  • Round 1 — Online Assessment
  • Round 2 — Technical Interview
  • Round 3 — Managerial Interview

Round 1:

  • Online Assessment on Hackerank platform consisting of 15 aptitude questions and 2 coding questions of easy—medium level difficulty.
  • Given time around 90 mins.
  • Around ~50 students were shortlisted for the 1st round of interviews.

Round 2: [45–50 mins]

  • It was conducted on the Google Meet platform where you have to share your screen. The interviewer first introduced himself followed by me. He was in an SDE-1 role in the company.
  • Then first I was asked to explain my project. I explained it in a WH-word format (What is the project, What are tech-stacks used in the project, Why did I choose those tech-stacks, Which use-case this project tackles in real life, Where are this project lacking). [This took me 15mins]
  • Then I was asked questions related to basic OOPs concepts. [This goes around 10 mins]
  • Then I was given an easy — medium level Tree problem from LeetCode to solve, i.e, Do an In-Order traversal by using loop method (don’t use recursion). It took me some time to get through the complete code as in most of the cases I use recursion in this type of problem, but I was able to solve it with all the edge cases possible. [Till this question 40 mins were already gone]
  • Then I was given an easy — medium level DP problem to solve, i.e, To eat the maximum no. of Candies kept on the 4 corners of the table if there is a fixed pattern to pick the candies from all the corners of the table. Because time was less, I was only asked to explain my approach that how I’ll solve this problem. Initially, it took me time to understand the problem and after 2–3 mins I was told to leave this due to time constraints.
  • Then I was asked to ask questions about the company if I have. I asked him a few questions about how he’s doing so far in the company and tried to know more about how things work in the company.

Round 3: [55–60 mins]

  • This time it was different. I thought it would be a technical round too, but it was a managerial round.
  • It started the same as Round — 2. He was in a Hiring Manager role in the company.
  • Then first I was asked to explain my project again. But this time it took more time because of the cross-questions by the interviewer, For approximately 40 mins we were having a discussion on the projects and mainly how can I improve it.
  • Then I was asked some behavioral & situational questions like, What will you do if you and your colleague have different approaches to a problem and he’s insisting to solve by his own method; What will you do if you got assigned to a project which is not in your interests, but then you came to know there is also an ongoing project in which your interests and skills lie. I was able to convince him with my answers.
  • Then I was asked to ask questions about the company if I have. I asked him a few questions about how he’s doing so far in the company and this time I asked about an employee’s growth in the company.

6 students were in the final selection.

Importance of Projects and Internships:-

  • I personally felt that was more into projects and your approach to solve problems.
  • In all the rounds they hadn’t asked me about my previous internship, so I can’t say about it. However, it always depends on company to company.


  • For it was fine if you are not able to reach the final result, instead they were actually interested in your process, approach and thinking, like how optimized it is.
  • So, make sure that you master the basic concepts of CS fundamentals (OOPs, OS & DBMS), and always brush-up your skill to explain the approach from brute-force to optimal by solving DSA problems over and over, specially standard ones.
  • If you don’t have any internships then its better if you keep at-least two full stack projects on your resume. Like I was having one MERN (full stack) project and one API integration project.

Resources which I followed:-

  • DSA Practice — GFG, LeetCode, and Striver’s 180 sheets.
  • OOPs — Love Babbar’s OOPs (Playlist & Notes), and 
  • OS — Love Babbar’s OS (Playlist & Notes)
  • DBMS — Gate Smasher’s DBMS Notes

Result: Selected ?

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