Written version of Logical operators in C++

Can we use keywords in place of operators in C++ ?
Yes, certainly, we can. The ANSI C++ Standard has proposed keywords for several C++ operators . They originated in C in the header at the time when there were keyboards that couldn’t type the required symbols like &&, !, || etc.
In C++, they became alternate token just like regular tokens, except for spelling. So during parsing “and” is exactly the same as “&&”, it’s just a different way of spelling the same thing.

Consider the following expression:

x > y && m != 100,

can be replaced by:

x > y and m not_eq 100

// C++ program to demonstrate 
// logical operator keywords
using namespace std;
int main()
    int x, y, z;
    x = 1;
    y = 0;
    z = 10;
    // Using keywords for || (or), && (and)
    if ((x or y) and y )
        cout << "Hi, we are in if.";
    // Using keywords for ! (not), || (or), != (not_eq)
    else if (not y or x not_eq z)
        cout << "Hi, we are in else if.";
    return 0;


Hi, we are in else if.

Similar to this, we can use keywords in place of all the operators mentioned in the table .


  1. Operator keyword enhances the readability of logical expressions.
  2. They are useful in situations when the keyboard doesnot support certain special characters such as &, ~ and ^, so we can use keywords in place of them.

Pitfall: Although, it is a very exciting feature of C++, but one needs to be a bit cautious while using it . Ordinarily, while, using these operators, we can write variables with or without leaving a space before or after these operators, but, when these operators are replaced by keywords, it becomes mandatory to leave a space after and before these keywords, as demonstrated below :

// C++ program to demonstrate 
// logical operator keywords
using namespace std;
int main()
    int x, y;
    x = 1;
    // Wrong way to use compl for ~
    // y = complx;
    // Right way to use compl for ~
    y = compl x;
    cout << y;
    return 0;




  1. Object-Oriented Programming with C++ by E. Balagurusamy

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