Why is it called Black Friday?

Answer: Black Friday got its name because it used to cause a lot of traffic congestion in Philadelphia on the day after Thanksgiving. Police officers called it “Black Friday” because of the chaos and crowds.

On Black Friday, stores started using the term to show when they started making a profit, or “in the black,” because of all the holiday shopping sales. Nowadays, Black Friday is a big shopping day with lots of discounts, marking the start of the holiday shopping season in the United States.

Black Friday Meaning

Black Friday originally meant the day after Thanksgiving when there was a lot of traffic and chaos in Philadelphia. Later, stores started using it to show when they made a profit because of all the holiday shopping sales.

Nowadays, Black Friday is known for big discounts and marks the start of the holiday shopping season in the United States.

Why Black Friday is Bad?

Here is Why Black Friday is Bad-

  • Too much shopping: It encourages people to buy a lot of stuff they don’t really need.
  • Crowds and chaos: Stores get really crowded, and it can be stressful and even unsafe with all the pushing and shoving.
  • Workers have to work: Retail workers often have to work long hours, including on Thanksgiving Day, so they miss out on spending time with their families.
  • Hurts the environment: All the extra shopping leads to more waste and pollution, which isn’t good for the environment.
  • Focus on stuff, not family: Instead of spending time with family and being thankful, Black Friday puts all the focus on buying things.

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