Why is it called a Blue Moon?

Answer: A Blue Moon is called that way because it’s an extra full moon that appears in a calendar month. It’s quite rare, happening about every two to three years.

The term “Blue Moon” comes from an old English saying, “betrayer moon,” but it doesn’t mean the moon looks blue. It’s just a regular full moon that occurs at an unexpected time, adding to its specialness.

When was the last Blue Moon?

Seasonal Blue Moon: The last seasonal Blue Moon occurred on August 31st, 2023. This happens when there are four Full Moons in an astronomical season.

Monthly Blue Moon:The last monthly Blue Moon occurred on August 22nd, 2021. This occurs when there are two Full Moons in the same calendar month.

When is the next Super Blue Moon?

The only Blue Moon of 2024 is on August 19th. But don’t worry, it won’t actually be blue! “Blue Moon” just means it’s the third Full Moon in a single season. You won’t have to wait long for the next time we have two Full Moons in one month – that won’t happen until May 31st, 2026!

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