Why are the deltas of Krishna, Kaveri and Godavari frequently struck by Cyclones?

A large delta plain surrounded by the Krishna and Godavari rivers, two vast east coast waterways adjacent to the territory of Andhra Pradesh, and the  Bay of Bengal. The place where these streams drain water is known as the Krishna Godavari River basin. The Krishna Godavari Basin is a proven oil-bearing shell on the mainland edge of India’s east coast. Its land area covers a zone of 15,000 km² and the seaside area covers an area of ​​25,000 km² to 1000 m isolines.

Some of the main reasons for cyclones occurring in the deltas of Krishna, Godavari, and Kaveri

  1. From October, the temperature in the north of India drops sharply. The negative pressure caused by the drop in temperature is moving towards the Bay of Bengal. And cause the formation of cyclones.
  2. Sea surface temperature and humidity are directly related to the formation of cyclones. Hence the possibility becomes higher to form a cyclone.
  3. The  Bay of Bengal winds are said to be much weaker than the Arabian Sea, so sea surface temperatures cannot be lowered. Due to the high average rainfall in the Bay of Bengal, there is a high probability of cyclones.
  4. Tropical cyclones are the main reason for monsoon rainfall in the Ganges Plain and most of northern India. It’s also the main reason behind the formation of hurricanes that cause havoc and disaster in this delta.
  5. The average temperature in the Bay of Bengal is high all year round, around 28 degrees Celsius. Warm airflow amplifies this. When the bay receives fresh water from the Brahmaputra and other rivers, the surface temperature is replenished and becomes one of the reasons for tropical depressions and cyclones.
  6. The delta region on the east coast is frequently hit by cyclones as the low-pressure system in northwestern India is carried over to the Bay of Bengal by early November. This shift is responsible for the occurrence of cyclones originating in the Andaman Sea.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Why are there more cyclones in the Bay of Bengal?


Because both sea surface temperature and humidity are  directly related to the potential for cyclones, the Bay of Bengal is a great purpose as it is rainy, windy and very warm throughout the year at around 28 degrees Celsius. Warm airflow contributes to the development of cyclones  by raising the surface temperature.

Question 2: What is a cyclone? What are the types of cyclone?


A low pressure system with an inwardly swirling wind is called a cyclone. The cyclone rotates counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Cyclone outbreak is a phenomenon of cyclone formation and strengthening.

Cyclone come in a variety of shapes and sizes, based on these parameters cyclones are of three types :

  • Tropical Cyclone
  • Extratropical Cyclone
  • Tornadoes

Question 3: What are major hazards that are caused by the cyclones?


  1. Periodic cyclones are responsible for  high death tolls, as well as  loss of livelihoods, private and public property, and damage to infrastructure. 
  2. High winds and gusts are known to cause catastrophic damage during tornadoes.  
  3. Communication networks and trees fell, in some cases resulting in  loss of life and property. 
  4. Inland flooding and heavy rain are two other aspects of devastating storms. Rain, when combined with a hurricane, amplifies the intensity of the storm.  
  5. Cyclones can also cause unusually high sea levels, especially along coastlines. As a result, saltwater inundates coastal lowlands, destroying vegetation and eroding beaches and viaducts.

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