Effects of Cyclones

In meteorological terms, a cyclone is a large air mass that has the ability to rotate around a center of focus or a center of low atmospheric pressure. Cyclones are mainly associated with inwards spiraling winds that especially rotate around the low-pressure region. The eye of the cyclone is at the center and the outer portions of the spinning storm give rise to immense wind and rainfall. The continuous rise of hot air and the filling of the gap with cold air around are the main causes of cyclones.

The warm core cyclone is a tropical or subtropical cyclone. The process of formation of cyclones is described by Tropical cyclogenesis. The same cyclone can transition between extratropical, subtropical, and tropical phases. The cyclones formed over the Atlantic and northeastern Pacific oceans are mostly referred to as hurricanes. 

The major effects of a cyclone mostly include heavy rain, large storm surge, tornadoes, and strong winds. The destruction or property damage caused by the cyclone is mostly based on the intensity, location, and size of the particular cyclone. The after-effects of the cyclone mostly consist of destruction and devastation. 

Effects of Cyclones

Types of Cyclones

Based on the place of origin, cyclones are classified into multiple types. Following broad categories of Cyclone are as follows:

Tropical Cyclones

They are formed by winds funneling into low-pressure areas and evaporating warm surface water. This evaporated water vapor then rises higher and becomes a cloud formation and becomes a cloud formation around circling winds.


They are also known as “tornado factories”, which are formed due to extremely strong thunderstorms, which create a rising funnel of very high-speed winds, even higher than tropical cyclones.

Extratropical Cyclones

Also known as midlatitude cyclones, which are formed in middle latitude areas due to temperature gradients adjacent air masses.

Polar Lows

They are also referred to as Arctic Hurricanes, which form in the Arctic and Antarctic oceans. They are formed due to extremely cold air moving over slightly warmer waters.

Effects of Cyclone on Sea

Due to the cyclone, the sea export completely stops and takes a considerable time to recover from the losses. Due to the halted export, many people are at risk of losing their livelihoods. They cause heavy rain, and winds thus disturbing the sea schedule. The low pressure caused by the cyclones causes a reduction in the temperature of the sea. Lots of ships are destroyed at the ports. Shipwrecks are a common part of the damage caused by cyclones.  

Effects of Cyclone Upon Landfall

The effects of a cyclone upon landfall are as follows-

Strong Winds

Strong Winds may not look like a big problem but it has the capacity to cause extensive damage. It is the main cause of the damage that is caused to vehicles, buildings, bridges, trees, etc. In the United States, Hurricanes are only 21 percent of the total all land cyclones but they account for 83 percent of the total damages. This damage is mainly caused due to the high winds. These cyclones have the capacity to not only destroy nominal things but have the capability to destroy constructions like bridges and buildings. 

Storm Surge

Storm surge refers to the increase in the sea level due to a cyclone. This is considered the biggest or most important effect of a Cyclone. Most of the deaths caused by cyclones are caused due to storm surges, they account for 90 percent of the total deaths caused by the storm surge. The rise in the sea level is very sudden and very fast, this sudden rise floods the houses of people and causes the deaths of most of the people trapped in it. The rise in the level is very high and comes to around a few kilometers from the sea bank. The rise in sea level and strong winds together cause damage to many human-made constructions. 

Heavy Rainfall

Intensive rain is caused by thunderstorm activities in a tropical cyclone. This intensive rain is the main cause of flooding, landslides, and mudslides. The inland is the place that is most vulnerable to flooding caused by the rains. These rains are very sudden and don’t provide the time to prepare for the effects of this. The wet climate or floods are a place for breeding place for most of the diseases that are associated with floods. There are a lot of infections are caused by cuts and damage. 

Causes of Cyclone

Cyclones rotate around a fixed point with low atmospheric pressure. This is usually over warm oceans located near the equator. The pressure and temperature difference cause the warm moist air to rise over the surface in an upwards direction causing the formation of a low-pressure region. The surrounding cooler air starts pushing into the low-pressure region. The cool air becomes warm and rises up making sure that the same cycle continues. As the warm air rises up the moisture present in the air condenses and forms clouds. The complete process continuously gradually increases the speed forming the eye of the cyclone. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What is a cyclone?


In meteorological terms, a cyclone is a large air mass that has the ability to rotate around a center of focus or a center of low atmospheric pressure. Cyclones are mainly associated with inwards spiraling winds that especially rotate around the low-pressure region.

Q 2. In India, a cyclone is tracked through which satellite?


In India, a cyclone is tracked through the satellite named ScatSat-1.

Q 3. “Gulab Cyclone” name is given by which country?


“Gulab Cyclone” name is given by Pakistan.

Q 4. How is a cyclone formed?


A cyclone is formed when warm, moist air rises upward over the ocean. As the air moves up, there is a formation of a low-pressure area below. Now, the low-pressure area is filled with high-pressure air from the surroundings. And this process keeps repeating.

Q 5. Which place is most affected by the cyclone?


Among all the places in the world, Bangladesh is the place that is most affected by cyclones. In India, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra are the most affected by cyclones. 

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