When to Use Agile Model?

In the Agile model, the focus is given to process adaptability and customer satisfaction. In earlier times, the iterative waterfall model was used to create software. But in today’s time, developers have to face many problems. The biggest problem is that in the middle of software development, the customer asks to make changes in the software. It takes a lot of time and money to make these changes. So to overcome all these shortcomings, the agile model was proposed in the 1990s.

In this article, we will see what is agile and when to use it, So, let’s start.

Agile Model

The agile model is an iterative and incremental approach. Iterative means that in this software development process model, the same process is repeated again and again.

For example, we follow the following phases in the Agile process model: requirement gathering, design, coding, testing, deployment, and feedback. Now this process repeats again and again.

Whereas incremental means that we break the large project into small parts (iterations), due to which we keep adding new features to the software after some time.

By using the Agile model we can provide fast software delivery to the customer within a short time. Under this model, there is good communication between the customer and the development team.

If the customer needs to make any changes in the s/w, then the development team directly contacts the customer collects those requirement changes, and implements them.

The main objective of the Agile model is that we have to deliver a working model of the software to the customer in a very short time so that customer satisfaction can be achieved. Today Agile is the best SDLC methodology and is most used in the technology industry.

If we look at the traditional SDLC model like the Waterfall model then it completely depends on the initial requirements. If we use this model, then we have to define all the requirements well at the beginning of the software development process. Because once we move to the next phase, it is very difficult to go back and change.

This is not the case with the Agile model. In this methodology, it has been understood that in today’s modern era, the requirements of customers are constantly changing. therefore

Advantage of Agile Model

  • The customer is always involved in the development of the project and provides continuous feedback. Apart from this, quick delivery of working s/w is given due to which the chances of a customer being satisfied are high.
  • This model is beneficial for such projects where the end goals are not clearly defined. As the project progresses, the goals become clearer so the team can adapt them.
  • In this model, frequent communication and face-to-face interactions are encouraged, which promotes team collaboration.
  • If any changes are required even late in the development process, it is easy to adapt them in this model.
  • In Agile methodology, customers’ views are always given priority. Customers have many opportunities to see the work being delivered, share their input, and have an impact on the end product, which is very important.

Disadvantage of Agile Model

  • Because project managers often reprioritize tasks. It is possible that some items scheduled for delivery may not be completed on time.
  • It is important for the team to be knowledgeable. Agile teams are usually small, so team members must be highly skilled in various areas and understand the agile methodology well to be successful.
  • Active involvement and collaboration are required during the Agile process which is more time consuming than a traditional approach. It requires time commitment from developers.
  • If the customer is not clear about what they want the end product to be, the project can easily be derailed.
  • Due to a lack of proper documentation, key decisions taken at different phases can be misinterpreted at any time by different members of the team.

When to Use Agile Model?

  • When new changes need to be implemented. The freedom that playfulness gives for change is very important.
  • New changes can be implemented at a very low cost due to the frequency of new increments.
  • Implementing a new feature requires developers to lose only a few days or even just hours of work to get it back and implemented.
  • In the Agile model, unlike the Waterfall model, very limited planning is required to start a project.
  • Agile believes that the needs of end users are always changing in the dynamic business and IT world.
  • Changes can be discussed and features can be redesigned or removed based on feedback.
  • This effectively gives the customer the turnkey system they want or need.B oth system developers and stakeholders alike find that they get more freedom of time and choices than if the software was developed in a more rigid sequential manner.
  • Having options gives them the ability to put off important decisions until more or better data or even an entire hosting program is available; Which means the project can keep moving forward without the fear of suddenly stopping.


In conclusion, Agile model follows a dynamic and customer-centric approach. It overcomes the shortcomings of the traditional waterfall model. Due to its iterative and incremental nature, the priority of the Agile model is adaptability, customer satisfaction, and rapid delivery of the product as among its advantages We can see that there is customer involvement, flexibility to adapt to changing needs, and improved team collaboration.

But the challenges that come with the Agile model also cannot be avoided such as re-analyzing: tasks and the need for a highly qualified and dedicated team.

Nowadays, agile can be one of the best choices for software development, because nowadays making changes in software is very important. And most of the companies are using the agile model.

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