Difference between Agile Model and Iterative Model

1. Agile Model: Agile is a replacement for the traditional waterfall model for the creation of software development. It was developed in the year 2001 by a group of software developers for better ways for developing one. This mechanism divides the product into small builds and these small builds are developed with proper designing, coding, and testing with meetings until one build is completed. After this build, the other requirements are analyzed and the previous process is repeated until the final product is developed. The time for each build is called Sprints. 

Advantages of Agile:

  • It enhances collaboration among the teams.
  • It promotes taking rapid feedback from the customer.

Disadvantages of Agile:

  • It is not suitable for small projects.
  • It requires a Scrum Master which may increase the cost of development.

2. Iterative Model: The iterative model is a way of software development that works in small steps for the development of the software. It was developed by a group of software developers for better ways of developing one. It is an easy way to craft requirements into a software solution. This works in iterations as large tasks are divided into small steps and easy step is developed in iterations to achieve a final solution.  

Advantages of Iterative:

  • It makes easy debugging of errors.
  • It is a more flexible way of creating software.

Disadvantages of Iterative:

  • It requires good planning for deciding iterations.
  • It needs well-defined modules to work on.

Differences between Agile and Iterative Model are as follows: 

Agile Model

Iterative Model

The Agile Model of software development is a type of model in which specifications and solutions enhance through the continuous collaboration of functional teams. The Iterative Model of software development is a type of model in which implementation starts with small elements, and iteratively evolves to the final solution through a collaboration of functional teams.
The process of development in this model is called Sprint. The process of development in this model is called an Iteration.
With the completion of a sprint, a meeting is carried out. With the completion of an iteration, a meeting is carried out.
The preceding sprint affects the subsequent sprint. The preceding iteration affects the subsequent iteration.
Collaborating teams can review products during a Sprint. Collaborating teams can review products on the baseline of iteration.
There are two main roles in this model Scrum Master and Team member. There are two roles in this model Project Manager and Team Member.
Scrum Master is responsible for the facility and team members do the estimation. The Project Manager is responsible for the estimation and completion of each iteration.
Test cases are prepared, identified, and executed by team members. Test cases are prepared, identified, and executed by Testers.
Deploying and Demonstration of software are done at end of each sprint. Deploying and Demonstration of software are done at end of an iteration.
In case of agile model, if a valued work product is not obtained after iteration then it is basically a failure within the iteration. A work product is obtained after every iteration that can be mapped to something of value.

When to use-

  • It is suitable to use when each component’s development is separate in terms of coding or as a change task.
  • For quick and frequent changes

When to use-

  • It is suitable to use in case a required change affects the large numbers of components as major changes are needed by relevant features.

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