What is Window Object in JavaScript ?

In JavaScript, the window object is a global object that represents the browser window or, in the case of server-side JavaScript (e.g., with Node.js), the global environment. It serves as the top-level object in the browser’s Document Object Model (DOM) hierarchy, providing a global context for executing JavaScript code.

Features of the window object include:

  • Global Scope: Variables and functions that are declared with var are attached to the window object. This makes them accessible globally.
  • Browser-related Functionality: The window object provides methods and properties related to the browser environment, such as window.alert(), window.confirm(), and window.location.
  • DOM Interaction: It serves as the global object for interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM), allowing manipulation of HTML elements and their properties.
  • Timers and Events: The window object is involved in managing timers (e.g., setTimeout and setInterval) and events handling.

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