What is the use of the phpinfo() function?

The phpinfo( ) function in PHP is used to display detailed information about the PHP environment, configuration settings, modules, and extensions installed on the server. It provides a comprehensive overview of the PHP configuration and environment variables, which can be useful for debugging, troubleshooting, and optimization purposes.


// Display detailed information about the PHP environment

phpinfo( );


  • The phpinfo() function outputs a detailed HTML page containing information about the PHP environment.
  • It can reveal sensitive information about the server configuration, so it should be used with caution and restricted to authorized users.
  • phpinfo() is primarily used for development and debugging purposes and should not be enabled on production servers for security reasons.


  • Environment Information: phpinfo() function provides extensive details about PHP environment variables, configuration settings, and installed modules.
  • Debugging and Troubleshooting: It is commonly used during development and debugging to inspect PHP configuration and server settings.
  • Optimization: Developers can use phpinfo() to identify server settings and configurations that may impact the performance of PHP applications.

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