What is the use of Post via e-mail option in WordPress Writing Setting ?

The “Post via e-mail” option in WordPress allows you to post to your WordPress blog by email. This can be useful if you want to post to your blog while you are away from your computer, or if you prefer to compose your posts in a text editor or email client instead of in the WordPress editor. To use this feature, you will need to set up a secret email address with your WordPress site. Once you have done this, you can email your post to this address and it will appear on your blog.

Steps to Post via e-mail

  1. You will need to set up a mailing account with your WordPress hosting provider.
  2. Once you have set up your mailing account, you will need to configure the “Post via e-mail” settings in your WordPress dashboard.
  3. In the “Post via e-mail” settings, you will need to specify the address to that you will be sending your email posts.
  4. Then need to specify a mail server in the “Post via e-mail” settings. This is the server that your email posts will be sent through.
  5. Once you have configured the “Post via e-mail” settings, you can compose and send an email post to your WordPress blog by addressing it to the email address that you specified in the settings.
  6. Your email post will be published to your WordPress blog as a new post.
  7. If you want to include images in your email post, you can attach them to the email. The images will be automatically uploaded to your WordPress blog and added to your post.
  8. You can also include a link to a video in your email post. Then the video will be automatically embedded in your blog post.
  9. Please note that the “Post via e-mail” option is only available for self-hosted WordPress blogs. WordPress.com blogs do not have this option.


  • The “Post via e-mail” feature in WordPress allows you to post to your blog by email. This can be useful if you want to post to your blog while you’re away from your computer, or if you want to post to your blog using another program that doesn’t have a built-in blogging feature. 
  • To use the feature, you first need to set up a special email account that you will use for posting to your blog. Once you’ve set up this account, you can then add its details to the “Post via e-mail” settings in your WordPress dashboard.
  • To use this feature, you will need to set up a mail account that WordPress can use to check for new messages. 
  • When you’re ready to post to your blog by email, you simply send an email to the special account you set up. The subject of your email will become the title of your blog post, and the body of your email will become the body of your blog post. 
  • You can also add images and other files to your email, which will be automatically added to your blog post.
  • Once you have done this, you can compose a new email and send it to the address that you have configured. WordPress will then check the mail account for new messages and, if it finds any, it will convert them into blog posts.
  • Once you’ve sent your email, it will be posted to your blog just like any other post. You can then edit it, add tags and categories, and publish it just like any other post.
  • The Post via e-mail feature in WordPress allows you to post to your blog by sending an email to a specific address. This can be useful if you want to post to your blog from a mobile device or from a location where you don’t have access to the WordPress admin area.


  • It can be a quick and easy way to post content to your WordPress site.
  • You can email content to your WordPress site from anywhere, which can be handy if you’re on the go and don’t have access to your WordPress dashboard.
  • It can be a good way to back up your content in case something happens to your WordPress site.
  • It can be used to automate your content posting, which can save you time.
  • It’s a quick and easy way to post to your WordPress site from anywhere.
  • it allows you to easily format your posts using HTML. This can be helpful if you want to include images or other multimedia content in your posts.
  • It’s a convenient way to post if you don’t have access to the WordPress admin interface.
  • You can keep your posts private if you want by sending them to a secret email address.
  • You can use Post by email to post to multiple WordPress sites at once.


  • The email interface is not as user-friendly as the WordPress admin, so it can be difficult to format your post correctly.
  • If your email account is hacked, someone could use it to post spam or malicious content to your blog.
  • You will need to have a way to send emails from your computer or mobile device, it can be difficult to set up if you do not have an email account that you can use.
  • You will need to have a way to format your posts in order to post to your WordPress blog, it can be difficult to do through email as it is not user-friendly.
  • You will need to have a way to upload pictures in order to post them to your WordPress blog, it can be difficult to do through email as it is not user-friendly.

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