WordPress Introduction
WordPress is a free and open source Content Management System(CMS) framework. It is the most widely used CMS framework of recent time. Let us now have a brief discussion on what is CMS and what is wordpress!...
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How to change Logo URL Link for any WordPress themes ?
Changing the WordPress logo link to homepage in a WordPress theme is a common task for website owners who want their logo to direct visitors to a specific page, such as the homepage or a custom landing page. However, when we deal with the customization of the website, it becomes hectic to change the logo URL to a custom link....
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WordPress Tutorial
WordPress is a free and open-source CMS that allows users to create and manage websites with ease. Developed by Matt Mullenweg, it is based on PHP and MySQL. WordPress is a widely used blogging system that allows users to update, customize and manage their website through its back-end CMS and components....
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How to make a website using WordPress (Part – 2)
Hi guys this is our second tutorial in the series. In the first tutorial, we learned about How to set up a server and host a website locally on our computer....
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Difference between Bootstrap and WordPress
1. Bootstrap : Bootstrap is open source framework which is used to develop responsive website and design. Bootstrap is also called an updated version of CSS. It is most popular framework for building responsive, mobile first site and application which works on grid system system for creating page layout through the series of rows and columns. It is compatible with all modern browsers. 2. WordPress : WordPress is an online open source tools which is written on PHP and it is used to create website and it is based on Content Management System(CMS). WordPress is a highly customizable and has literally thousands of plugin so you can use your website. It is used by approximately 75 million websites and the plugin of WordPress is highly flexible and simple interface, which reduces development cost and deployment time. Difference between Bootstrap and WordPress :...
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How to make a website using WordPress (Part – 1)
Hi guys, most of us at some instances of time face a problem with how to start something for a minor or major project. Many of us wish to make a website-based project but do not know how to proceed. To assist all my friends, today I’ll walk you through the process of installing and getting acquainted with the WordPress environment. Below I give step by step process along with screenshots to make a website using WordPress. Just follow them and you are done!!...
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WordPress Create custom REST endpoint
WordPress, as a powerful content management system (CMS), allows developers to create custom REST endpoints. These endpoints enable communication between external applications and your WordPress site, making it possible to retrieve or manipulate data programmatically. WordPress gives various functions to work on REST API. Let’s take a look at how you can easily create your custom endpoint....
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How to hide top Admin Bar using a WordPress filter ?
Whenever you log in to your WordPress site you notice a toolbar at the top of the page which is know as “Top Admin Bar”. This toolbar is always present, whether you’re viewing the site from your dashboard or the front page of your website. This is frustrating for many people, and it’s much more so while you’re constructing the site....
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How to embed iFrame in WordPress ?
An Iframe is a method of embedding a web page into the content of another page. This is accomplished through the use of HTML elements, the URL of the external website, and parameters for how the window should look on your website....
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WordPress Themes And Plugins
In this article, we will study what are themes and plugins in WordPress and some of the commonly used themes and plugins....
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Installation of WordPress on Windows
Do you want to build a website? Do you have knowledge about HTML, CSS, JS, AJAX, jQuery? Don’t worry about it, now you can build websites using WordPress with basic knowledge of HTML & CSS. Let’s see what WordPress is and how to use WordPress to build a website. WordPress is an open-source Content Management System(CMS) to build the dynamic website and blogging systems....
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How to Create WordPress Plugin from Scratch ?
WordPress, a versatile and user-friendly Content Management System (CMS), is the backbone of numerous websites ranging from personal blogs to e-commerce sites and creative portfolios. With over 60 million websites powered by WordPress globally, creating a WordPress plugin from scratch is a fantastic way to add custom features to your website. Creating a WordPress plugin from scratch might seem challenging, but it’s a valuable skill that can greatly enhance your website....
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