What is the Role of Seminal Vesicles and Prostate Gland?

Answer: Seminal vesicles nourish sperm & prostate gland enhances viability and motility, and both neutralize acidic vaginal environment.

Role of Seminal Vesicles And Prostate Gland are:

Seminal Vesicles:

  1. Nutrient Supply: The seminal vesicles produce a fructose-rich fluid that provides the primary source of energy for sperm, ensuring they remain viable and active throughout their journey.
  2. Fluid Volume: These glands significantly contribute to the volume of ejaculate, which is crucial for sperm motility. The fluid aids in the easier transportation of sperm through the female reproductive tract.
  3. Alkaline Fluid: The alkaline nature of the seminal vesicle fluid plays a key role in neutralizing the acidic conditions of the female reproductive tract, creating a safer environment for sperm and enhancing their chances of fertilizing an egg.

Prostate Gland:

  1. Prostatic Fluid: The prostate gland secretes a slightly alkaline fluid that mixes with the sperm and seminal vesicle fluid to form semen. This fluid supports sperm viability by providing a suitable chemical environment.
  2. Enzyme Secretion: It releases specific enzymes, including prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which thins the semen, increasing sperm motility and improving the chances of sperm reaching and fertilizing an egg.
  3. pH Regulation: By secreting an alkaline fluid, the prostate gland helps maintain a favorable pH level within the semen. This is crucial for protecting sperm from the acidic conditions of the vagina and enhancing their survival and fertility potential.

Also, check out our easy-to-read article on the Male Reproductive System, if you want to learn more.

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