What is the Role of Acid in our Stomach?

Answer: Stomach acid breaks down proteins, kills pathogens, activates enzymes, aids nutrient absorption, and forms chyme.

The role of acid in our stomach, specifically hydrochloric acid (HCl), is multifaceted and critical for the digestive process.

  1. Digests Proteins: Break down proteins into peptides by activating pepsinogen to pepsin.
  2. Kills Pathogens: Provides a hostile environment to kill ingested microbes.
  3. Activates Enzymes: Essential for the activation of digestive enzymes i.e., Pepsinogen into Penpsin. Pepsin helps in protein digestion
  4. Absorbs Nutrients: Facilitates the absorption of certain minerals like calcium and iron.
  5. Maintain Acidic pH: Oxyntic cells present in the inner cell layer of the stomach, release HCL which makes the environment pH.

Stomach acid is essential for digesting food, absorbing nutrients, protecting against pathogens, and ensuring the smooth operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, check out our easy-to-read article on the Human Digestive System, if you want to learn more.

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