What is OpenDNS and Why You Absolutely Need It?

While we browse on the internet with Web Browsers, we don’t even know what the processes are going on in the background. The Domain Name System or DNS is present to complete most of these background activities.

By keeping DNS in mind, there is a useful tool present as OpenDNS to secure Web Browsing. This article will discuss the OpenDNS as well as Reasons to Need OpenDNS.

What is OpenDNS?

While we browse the Internet with any Web Browser, there is a high level of Security Patch present. As the need for the Internet is increasing day by day, the Security Layer is also getting much better. And the OpenDNS helps to do the same. The OpenDNS is a Security Tool that has been developed by American Company Cisco.

There is also a company named OpenDNS in America that is involved in the same task. The OpenDNS is developed by placing the Domain Name System or DNS at its core. There is a Public DNS Server present that works for a Faster & Secure Domain Name Resolution Process. It is better than a Traditional ISP or Internet Service Provider DNS System.

The OpenDNS is developed by keeping the vision in mind to Improve Internet Security, Network Performance, and Content Filtering.

What are Some Features of OpenDNS?

Now, let us first discuss a few features of OpenDNS before moving ahead to the Absolute Reasons to Need OpenDNS. The OpenDNS directly works on the Domain Name URL & it converts it to the IP Address for better internet communication. Some of the more features are the following.

  • Public DNS Server: The OpenDNS is made of two Primary Public DNS that anyone can use. These two Primary DNS Servers are and
  • DNS Resolution: In OpenDNS, the DNS Requests are directly sent to the OpenDNS’s Server, not to the ISP Server. It resolves the Domain Name & Return IP Address.
  • Good Security Features: In OpenDNS, you will find various security features like Phishing Protection, Malware Blocking, and Botnet Prevention.
  • Improved Content Filtering: Using OpenDNS, you can perform the Content Filtering. You can filter which type of resources you want to show & which are not. Websites like Gambling, Social Media, etc.
  • Good Network Performance: The OpenDNS is known for its fast network speed. Also, there is better stability present than the Traditional ISP Service Providers.

Why Do You Need OpenDNS?

It is time to discuss the Absolute Reasons to Use OpenDNS. Here, we are going to discuss every point as a benefit for the users. So, let us start with the Security Advantage of OpenDNS.

Reason 1: Enhanced Security of OpenDNS

If you are using OpenDNS, there is no need to think about some threats from external media. The OpenDNS will protect from every kind of External Threat like Phishing, Malware & Botent. And it will warn you before moving into any such web pages.

The OpenDNS can do such operations as a separate Database is present for all External Threats. This database is being updated from time to time. Thus, if there is any new threat present, the OpenDNS will let you know.

Reason 2: Good DNS Resolution

If you are searching for a High-Speed Internet Connection, then the OpenDNS will be most appropriate for you. The OpenDNS is known for its Faster Domain Name Resolution process. That is the reason many businessmen rely on OpenDNS.

If you compare the Speed of Networking in OpenDNS with the Internet Service Provider, you will find the hell & haven difference. The OpenDNS uses its server to provide a good internet speed to the users.

Reason 3: Parental Control Feature

The OpenDNS can be the best tool for Parents who want to put a cap on the contents that appear by searching on Web Browser. You can easily use the Content Filtering Process to bypass some of the marked categories from the search Result.

There are predefined categories are present that can be chosen by the Parents. Also, you can involve your custom categories as well in the OpenDNS. It can be useful for Schools, College, and Offices as well as for Parents.

Reason 4: Simple Configuration & Good Compatibility

The development of OpenDNS can be the most simple task. You can add the OpenDNS on any kind of system like Routers, Desktop, Smartphones, Tablets, etc. And the Configuration of OpenDNS is as simple as you can think.

If you add the OpenDNS to Desktop or Mobile devices, it will give protection only to those devices. However, if you add the OpenDNS to the Router, all the devices connected to the Router will be protected.

Reason 5: Importance to Privacy & Data Protection

Privacy & Data Protection is a big concern for individuals nowadays. But, the OpenDNS can be safer than any other application from that perspective. The OpenDNS respects the Data Protection & Privacy of the Users.

For some analytical processes, OpenDNS uses the User Data. But, these data are never sold to another website or company for profit. So, you can simply use the OpenDNS if you need it.


From the above discussion, we can say there are a lot of reasons involved behind the Absolute Need of OpenDNS Tool. From Security to Reliability, all of the reasons point to Why You Need OpenDNS. So, if you are an individual who is feeling the same need, you can go ahead with the tool.

What is OpenDNS and Why You Need It – FAQs

What is OpenDNS?

The OpenDNS is a tool or application that was developed by the American Company Cisco. The OpenDNS is a tool that is used mainly for the Security Purposes. OpenDNS has a separate company in America that is involved in more modifications.

Why You Absolutely Need OpenDNS?

If you want to get a good internet speed, then OpenDNS can be the best option. Also, the OpenDNS provides a good set of security patches from malware, botnet & many other external threats. You can also perform Content Filtering on OpenDNS.

Are DNS & OpenDNS the same thing?

No! DNS or Domain Name System is a completely different thing than OpenDNS. The DNS is a fundamental idea in Computer Networking. And on that idea, the application or tool OpenDNS is developed.

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