What is Material UI ?

Material UI is a popular React UI framework that provides pre-designed components following Google’s Material Design guidelines. It simplifies the process of creating sleek and responsive user interfaces by offering a library of customizable components.

Default Installation

npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled

The table below illustrates the Terms alongside their descriptions.

Term Description
@mui/material Package containing Material UI React components.
@emotion/react Required for styling components with Emotion.
@emotion/styled Required for styling components with Emotion.


  • Customizable Components: Material UI offers a wide range of components like buttons, inputs, and dialogs that can be easily customized to fit the design requirements.
  • Theming: It provides a robust theming system allowing developers to create consistent designs across the application.
  • Responsive Design: Components are designed to be responsive out of the box, ensuring a seamless experience on various screen sizes.
  • Community Support: Material UI has a large community and active development, ensuring continuous improvement and support.
  • Documentation: Comprehensive documentation with examples and guidelines makes it easy for developers to get started and troubleshoot.

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