What is Digital Logic ?

Modern computing system consists of complex system and technologies. These technologies are built upon some fundamental simple logics known as digital logic. By using digital logic gates we can develop complex logical circuit for various purposes like data storing, data manipulation or simply data representation.

What is Digital Logic?

One of the most important branch of Electronic and telecommunication Science sector is Digital electronics(logic). Digital logic is mainly used for data(must be digital information) representation, manipulation and processing of using discrete signals or binary digits (bits). It can perform logical operations, data retrieval or storing and data transformation by analyzing logical circuit design.

What is Digital ?

Previously a continuous signal or values are used represent data which is known as Analog signal. In modern computing sectors, data representation changes to discrete/non-continuous signals or values(only 0 or 1) which is known as Digital. Here, the overall information is encoded in a sequence of bits where every bits represents only two states(1 for high and 0 for low) of the information. This is known as binary representation of information.

Why Digital Logic is Necessary ?

In modern computing realm, Digital logic plays a significant role in many sectors which are discussed below :

  • Universal Representation: For any type of data representation like image, text, video, audio etc. digital logic/system is used by encoding the data in binary form. This binary formatted data enables uniform handling of diverse data and allows seamless integration and compatibility.
  • Error Reduction and Correction: Digital logic itself is very less prone to error as it works with only two values(0 and 1). Moreover, we can employ redundancy check and error detection mechanisms by digital logic codes which can detect and rectify errors introduced during transmission. This ensures reliable and accurate data processing.
  • Scalability and Modularity: Digital logic provides scalable framework by which we can develop complex system by using basic logic gates only. This enables a easy and cost effective way to develop a large-scale system with improved flexibility, maintainability, and ease of integration.
  • Noise Immunity: As digital logic follows the discrete nature of signal so it is less prone to have induced noise compared to analog signal. So it provides more robust communication and data processing by noise filtering and error mitigation.

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