Difference between Programmable Logic Array and Programming Array Logic

Programmable Logic Array (PLA) and Programming Array Logic (PAL) are the categories of programming logic devices. In PLA or Programmable Logic Array, there are massive functions can be implemented. Whereas in PAL or Programmable Array Logic, there is finite functions can be implemented. The distinction between PLA and PAL is that, PAL have programmable AND array and fixed OR array. On the other hand, PLA have a programmable AND array and programming OR array. 
Let’s see that the difference between PLA and PAL:

1. PLA stands for Programmable Logic Array. While PAL stands for Programmable Array Logic.
2. PLA speed is lower than PAL. While PAL’s speed is higher than PLA.
3. The complexity of PLA is high. While PAL’s complexity is less.
4.  PLA has limited amount of functions implemented.  While PAL has a huge number of functions implemented.
5. The cost of PLA is also high. While the cost of PAL is low.
6. Programmable Logic Array is less available. While Programmable Array Logic is more available than Programmable Logic Array.
7. PLA design may be built using a programmable set of AND gates and a programmable set of OR gates. PAL design may be built using a programmable set of AND and a fix set of OR gates
8. The flexibility of PLA is high as compared to PAL. Flexibility of PAL is less. 
9. It is less used than PAL. While it is more used than PLA.

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