What is AWS Copilot?

Pre-requisites: AWS

Amazon Copilot is a command-line tool that assists in managing the infrastructure needed to execute containerized applications. A single command can set up the complete infrastructure and monitor all containers. It was created to assist developers in concentrating on application optimization rather than establishing the infrastructure needed to operate the application or manage the servers. It automates the set-up of infrastructure and control and monitors the entire flow.

Amazon Copilot can be compared to having a personal assistant for your application, to put it one way. AWS Copilot can handle chores like provisioning infrastructure and building up deployment pipelines, just like a personal assistant can manage email and schedule meetings.

Consider yourself a chef who is establishing a brand-new eatery. The kitchen needs to be set up and the cooking process organized even though you have the menu, the ingredients, and the employees. AWS Copilot, your personal assistant, can help with this. The kitchen equipment will be ordered and set up, the pantry will be organized, and a method for cooking and plating the food will be developed.

Similarly to this, you need to set up the infrastructure and deployment procedure before you can launch an application on AWS even when you already have the code, the data, and the users. By automating these procedures and taking care of the details so you can concentrate on the application itself, Amazon Copilot serves as your personal assistant.


Look at some of the key points associated with AWS Copilot

  • Amazon Copilot simplifies designing and running containerized apps for the production environment by using AWS services like AWS ECS.
  • Using the command line, we can easily scale and monitor the infrastructure.
  • One command can launch a production-ready application on AWS using a Dockerfile containing the configurational instructions.
  • CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) pipeline can be configured using a few commands.
  • Helps in managing resource monitoring and debugging.

How does Amazon Copilot work

We have covered what is Amazon Copilot, but you might be thinking about how it actually works. How is the AWS Copilot able to provide the required assistance? Let’s get into the depth of it. 

The process of creating, deploying, and managing containerized apps on AWS is made simpler by using AWS Copilot. It establishes a Dockerfile for your application based on the application specification and defines the architecture and infrastructure of your application using a YAML-based syntax. Then, after establishing a new task definition for the container and modifying the service to use it, it deploys the container to an Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) or Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster.

AWS CloudFormation automates the construction and management of infrastructure resources, including VPC, security groups, and load balancers. It offers application management tools like scaling, load balancing, and health checks. Amazon Copilot interacts with well-known CI/CD solutions, including AWS CodePipeline, GitHub Actions, and GitLab CI/CD, to enable automated builds and deployments of containerized apps.

While working with Amazon Copilot we come across the following components/terminologies. Let’s know each of them in brief :

  • Application Definition: The architecture and infrastructure of an application are defined as code by developers using Copilot’s CLI. Each single infrastructure device you want to include can be specified as a code in the Application Definition and on execution you will have the things ready for you.
  • Containerization: It creates a Dockerfile for the application. The newly created Dockerfile is then used to create the container image.
  • Deployment: Copilot creates a new task definition for the container and updates the service to use the new task definition before deploying the container to an Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) or Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster.
  • Service Management: It manages some of the complicated tasks such as the application’s service scalability, load distribution, and health checks. 
  • Infrastructure Management: Infrastructure resources like VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), security groups, and load balancers are created and managed automatically by Copilot. Managing these components manually would have led to huge efforts, time, and costs.

Features of Amazon Copilot

Listed below are a few features that make AWS Copilot such a great resource. 


  • Copilot gives the freedom to set up testing and production in various locations to meet traffic needs.
  • It supports multiple environments, which allows for managing various environments, including development, staging, and production.

CI/CD Pipelines

  • CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. The CI/CD pipeline is an automated way to launch new features of a product or software releases, easily and more frequently.
  • Copilot interacts with different CI/CD platforms like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, and AWS CodePipeline for automated builds and deployments of containerized apps.
  • Copilot Commands can be used to automatically set up CI/CD pipelines across all microservices infrastructure. 


  • Copilot gives the facility to auto-scaling, i.e. active servers may be increased if traffic volume rises, and the servers running in the infrastructure may be reduced if the volume of traffic declines.
  • A terminal can be used to integrate the autoscale capability.

Monitoring and Debugging

  • To monitor the functionality and performance of your application, AWS Copilot offers simple access to application metrics and logs.
  • Using the command line facility provided by Copilot, infrastructure problems can be tracked and troubleshot.

Cost Optimization

  • Copilot helps in cost optimization by automatically providing and de-provisioning resources as needed.
  • It helps to organize the entire microservices infrastructure in a cost-optimized way.

Use Cases of Amazon Copilot

Amazon Copilot has the following use cases in real-world: 

  • Build a Stable and Secure Foundation: Amazon Copilot enables us to deploy containers across many regions and availability zones. The isolation between the container servers improves security. Which makes it a more stable and secure foundation.
  • Develop Containerized Applications: Copilot is used to deploying containerized apps on the AWS Cloud using amazon services like ECS and AWS Fargate.
  • Support in expanding business needs: Using IaC tools like Amazon CloudFormation to customize AWS Copilot can help with infrastructure needs to grow business.


Using Amazon Copilot, building, deploying, and managing containerized apps on AWS is made simpler. It offers a selection of tools that make it simple and quick for developers to get started with containerized apps while providing the scalability and affordability that organizations want. Businesses can spend more time creating business value and less time managing infrastructure when they use AWS Copilot.

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