What is an Exploit Kit? Its Working and Examples

An exploit kit, also known as an exploit pack, is a toolkit used by cybercriminals to target system vulnerabilities to spread malware or carry out other malicious actions. A standard exploit kit often includes a management dashboard, a collection of vulnerabilities designed for various applications, and several add-on functionalities that make it easier for a cybercriminal to conduct an attack.

What is an Exploit Kit?

An exploit kit is a set of tools, malicious users use to find and attack weaknesses in systems or software. When they find these weaknesses, they can spread harmful software like malware or ransomware. These kits are called “exploit” kits because they use exploits—pieces of code that target security holes. While security teams sometimes create exploits to show where threats could happen, they are mostly made by attackers. It’s surprising, but exploit kits are involved in over 60% of all online security problems, making them a major cause of computer hacks worldwide.

History of Exploit Kits

  • The first recorded exploit kit, known as MPack, was discovered in Russian underground forums in late 2006.
  • From the start, authors of exploit kits made it a point to build their program as a commercial package, frequently incorporating support and regular updates.
  • By 2010, the market for such exploitation tools had expanded, and the famous Blackhole EK became one of the most popular and revered exploit kits on the market.
  • EK writers began disclosing new vulnerabilities more quickly, focusing on the most widely deployed applications like Java and Adobe Reader.
  • The arrest of Blackhole’s founder in 2013 caused some doubt in the underground market, but activity soon resumed.
  • By 2015, a newer exploit kit named Angler dominated and exploited zero-day vulnerabilities rather than previous ones.

How to Exploit Kits Work?

Exploit kits scan for weaknesses in a user’s computer while they surf the web, operating without detection. Cybercriminals favor these kits for spreading malware and remote access tools (RATs) to profit financially. To initiate an attack, users don’t need to download anything. By merely visiting a compromised website, hidden code can exploit vulnerabilities in their browser. For an exploit kit attack to be successful, several steps must occur:

  • The user accesses a compromised website, which discreetly redirects them to another site.
  • Malware activates on the user’s computer through a vulnerable application.
  • A payload is sent to infect the computer if the exploit succeeds.

Examples of Exploit Kits

Exploit Kit Description
Angler Discovered in 2013, the Angler exploit kit targeted Java, Silverlight, and Flash vulnerabilities using transposition encryption.
HanJuan HanJuan exploit kit, utilized for malware advertising attacks, surfaced in 2015. Cybercriminals leveraged shortened URLs and false ads.
Magnitude Magnitude exploit kit focused on Internet Explorer vulnerabilities, with additional exploits introduced in 2021.
Rig Uncovered in 2014, Rig exploit kit propagated through malware advertisements, concealing malicious software in downloadable ‘security software.’

Stages of an  Exploit Kit Attack

No matter what kind of malware it is bringing or what kind of business is being attacked, an exploit kit attack usually goes through the same stages. Two-stage exploits were first seen in 2021 and are in addition to these normal stages. The first thing that these exploits do is a broad attack that is meant to trick a lot of people. The malware is then only run when those individuals meet certain conditions. Depending on the goal of the attack, different exploits focus on various security vulnerabilities.

Order Stage Description
1 Create a connection to a host environment Establish a connection through a landing page to initiate the attack process.
2 Redirect traffic to a different landing page Redirect traffic to another landing page to identify vulnerabilities and determine suitable exploits to use.
3 Implement relevant exploits Utilize exploits from the toolkit to exploit vulnerabilities and introduce malware into the targeted system.
4 Execute malware and infect the host environment Execute the malware, infecting the host environment with malicious code and potentially compromising the system.

Vulnerabilities Targeted by Exploit Kits

When someone downloads malicious code, the client-side exploit kit attack starts with the exploits. Whether client-side or server-side, an exploit kit is made to exploit security vulnerabilities like.

Vulnerability Exploitation Method
Broken authentication Exploit kits target weak or compromised authentication mechanisms, such as default or easily guessable credentials.
HTTP header injection Exploit kits inject malicious code or scripts into HTTP headers to manipulate server responses or perform attacks.
Memory safety violations in software Exploit kits exploit memory safety vulnerabilities in software to execute arbitrary code or gain unauthorized access.
Security misconfiguration Exploit kits exploit misconfigured security settings or permissions to gain unauthorized access or perform attacks.

Vulnerabilities Most Exploited by Exploits Integrated into Kits

Exploit kits take advantage of unupdated software weaknesses. Here are five significant vulnerabilities targeted by exploit kits from 2010 to mid-2016:


  • Affected Software: Microsoft Internet Explorer® 6–10
  • Issue: A flaw that lets attackers run code on your computer via a harmful website.
  • Related News: Windows 10 enhances browser security with Microsoft Edge.


  • Affected Software: Adobe Flash Player on various versions for Windows and Linux.
  • Issue: A vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player that allows attackers to execute code through unknown means.
  • Related News: In 2015, exploit kits extensively utilized Flash vulnerabilities.


  • Affected Software: Adobe Flash Player on earlier versions for Windows, OS X, and Linux.
  • Issue: A memory problem in Flash Player that can either crash the application or allow attackers to run code.
  • Related News: Exploit kits in 2015 predominantly targeted Flash issues.


  • Affected Software: Adobe Flash Player on older versions for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
  • Issue: A vulnerability when Flash processes certain files, allowing attackers to execute malicious code.
  • Related News: Early 2015 saw a new serious vulnerability in Flash.


  • Affected Software: Adobe Flash Player on older versions for Windows and Linux.
  • Issue: A flaw that enables attackers to execute code via unspecified methods.
  • Related News: A recent Microsoft patch prevents browser history snooping.

How to Protect Against Exploit Kits?

Exploit Kits are unable to attack certain vulnerabilities. For several reasons, these potential vulnerabilities cannot be exploited. An attacker may not have access to sufficient public information to exploit a weakness. Also, exploit kits might not be able to work if they need to be authorised or have access to a local system. You need to know where your business is weak and take the right security steps to protect it from exploit kit threats. Exploit kits are very popular because they are easy to use and often make the attacker a lot of money. Defending yourself and your company from exploit kit threats is easy. Take these steps. Investing in cloud security is the first thing you should do. To do this, cybersecurity teams may need to get more training or pay for security services. Antivirus software can be a good line of defence, but it can’t keep you safe from everything.

  • Software vulnerabilities can be prevented from developing in your system by regularly applying patches to keep it current.
  • Another great way to stay safe is to stay away from ads and pop-ups and never click on links that look sketchy.


Understanding the concept of an exploit kit is crucial in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats. Exploit kits represent sophisticated toolkits utilized by cybercriminals to capitalize on vulnerabilities within systems or software, enabling malicious activities such as malware distribution. By familiarizing oneself with the workings of exploit kits and implementing robust security measures, individuals and organizations can better safeguard against potential cyber-attacks.

Frequently Asked Question Exploit Kit – FAQs

Why Exploit Kit Attacks Are Successful?

Exploit kits are automated and a popular method of mass malware distribution. This lowers the barrier for attackers, and once an exploit kit has done its job, attackers can easily generate profit.

What types of vulnerabilities do exploit kits target?

Exploit kits target a range of vulnerabilities, including those in web browsers, plugins, and operating systems.

How are exploit kits distributed?

Exploit kits are often distributed through malicious websites, compromised advertisements, or phishing emails.

What are the consequences of exploit kit attacks?

Exploit kit attacks can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, financial losses, and system compromise.

How can individuals and organizations defend against exploit kit attacks?

Defenses against exploit kit attacks include keeping software up-to-date, employing robust antivirus solutions, practicing safe browsing habits, and conducting regular security assessments.

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