Encryption, Its Algorithms And Its Future

Encryption is very important in today’s world, it is the process of transforming plaintext into ciphertext to maintain data security, and it is a crucial tool used in modern cyber security. It secures sensitive data by rendering it unreadable to unauthorized events, making sure of confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity.

What is Encryption?

Encryption in cryptography is a process by which plain text or a piece of information is converted into cipher text or text that can only be decoded by the receiver for whom the information was intended. The algorithm used for the encryption process is known as cipher. It helps to protect consumer information, emails, and other sensitive data from unauthorized access as well as secures communication networks. Presently there are many options to choose from and find the most secure algorithm that meets our requirements.

Types of Encryption

There are two methods or types through which encryption take place, these below are two types of encryption:

Features of Encryption

  • Confidentiality: Information can only be accessed by the person for whom it is intended and no other person except him can access it.
  • Integrity: Information cannot be modified in storage or transition between sender and intended receiver without any addition to information being detected.
  • Non-repudiation: The creator/sender of information cannot deny his intention to send information at later stage.
  • Authentication: The identities of sender and receiver are confirmed. As well as you can detect the origination of information is confirmed.

Encryption Algorithms

To secure information, you can employ a variety of data encryption algorithms. The algorithms differ in terms of how accurately they safeguard data as well as how complex they are. Some of the more popular algorithms that have been in use over the years are listed below:

1. AES(Advance Encryption Standard)

Advance Encryption Standard also abbreviated as AES, is a symmetric block cipher which is chosen by United States government to protect significant information and is used to encrypt sensitive data of hardware and software. AES has three 128-bit fixed block ciphers of keys having sizes 128, 192 and 256 bits. Key sizes are unlimited but block size is maximum 256 bits.The AES design is based on a substitution-permutation network (SPN) and does not use the Data Encryption Standard (DES) Feistel network.

2. RSA ( Rivest, Shamir and Adleman)

RSA is an asymmetric key algorithm which is named after its creators Rivest, Shamir and Adleman. The algorithm is based on the fact that the factors of large composite number is difficult: when the integers are prime, this method is known as Prime Factorization. It is generator of public key and private key. Using public key we convert plain text to cipher text and private key is used for converting cipher text to plain text. Public key is accessible by everyone whereas Private Key is kept secret. Public Key and Private Key are kept different.Thus making it more secure algorithm for data security.

3. Triple DES

Triple DES is a block cipher algorithm that was created to replace its older version Data Encryption Standard(DES). In 1956 it was found out that 56 key-bit of DES was not enough to prevent brute force attack, so Triple DES was discovered with the purpose of enlarging the key space without any requirement to change algorithm. It has a key length of 168 bits three 56-bit DES keys but due to meet-in-middle-attack the effective security is only provided for only 112 bits. However Triple DES suffers from slow performance in software. Triple DES is well suited for hardware implementation. But presently Triple DES is largely replaced by AES (Advance Encryption Standard).

4. Twofish

Twofish algorithm is successor of blowfish algorithm. It was designed by Bruce Schneier, John Kesley, Dough Whiting, David Wagner, Chris Hall and Niels Ferguson. It uses block ciphering It uses a single key of length 256 bits and is said to be efficient both for software that runs in smaller processors such as those in smart cards and for embedding in hardware .It allows implementers to trade off encryption speed, key setup time, and code size to balance performance.

5. Blowfish

Blowfish was created to solve the DES algorithm’s problem. The algorithm is freely usable by everyone and has been released into the public domain. The technique uses a 64-bit block size, and the length of the key can range from 32 to 448 bits. It is the best permutation technique for cipher-related encryption and operates on the Feistel structure using a 16-bit round cipher. The information in the Blowfish algorithm is encrypted and decrypted using a single key.

Advantages of Encryption

  • Data encryption keeps the data isolated from the security of the device on which it is stored.
  • Encryption improves the security of our information.
  • When the data is encrypted, it can only decrypt by the person having key.

Disadvantages of Encryption

  • If the password or key is lost, the user will be unable to open the encrypted file.
  • Although data encryption is a useful data security strategy, it requires a lot of resources, including time, data processing, and the use of many encryption and decryption techniques.

Future of Encryption

With advancement in technology it becomes more easier to encrypt data, with neural networks it becomes easier to keep data safe. Neural Networks of Google Brain have worked out to create encryption, without teaching specifics of encryption algorithm. Data Scientist and Cryptographers are finding out ways to prevent brute force attack on encryption algorithms to avoid any unauthorized access to sensitive data.


Data protection is a function of encryption, and algorithm refers to a set of guidelines or remarks that must be followed to throughout the encryption process. The encryption functions, procedures, and keys utilised all contribute to the system’s effectiveness. Using a public or private key, the recipient may transform the coded text or unreadable format back to plain text.

Frequently Asked Question on Encryption

Which encryption method is more secure?

Most people believe that AES is resistant to all types of attacks except brute force attacks. Still, a lot of internet security experts think that AES will become the industry standard for private-sector data encryption in the future.

Why is encryption needed?

Encryption helps to protect private data, sensitive information, and can improve the security of communication between client and servers.

Which encryption is fastest?

Symmetric encryption is much faster then asymmetric encryption.

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