Introduction to SSH(Secure Shell) Keys
The SSH(Secure Shell) is an access credential that is used in the SSH Protocol. In other words, it is a cryptographic network protocol that is used for transferring encrypted data over the network. The port number of SSH is 22(Twenty-Two). It allows you to connect to a server, or multiple servers, without having to remember or enter your password for each system that is to log remotely from one system to another. It always comes in key pairs:...
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Difference Between Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
Cryptography and Cryptanalysis overlap in the area of ensuring data protection. Cryptography sets up a secure communication and information protection process through the process of encryption, whereas cryptanalysis tests the strength of cryptographic algorithms and brings forward the vulnerabilities that the system might have....
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Twofish Encryption Algorithm
When it comes to data protection, encryption methods act as our buffering agents. One example of an excellent block cipher is the Twofish encryption algorithm. Although it was a competitor of another block cipher in the Advanced Encryption Standard competition and was later succeeded by the latter, it can still be used as a safe approach to protecting your private information. In this article, we will discuss how Twofish works, its features and benefits, and areas of its application....
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What is Message and Message Digest in Cryptography?
A Message is any information that flows via the network, such as files, emails, and financial transactions, from one device to another or from a set of devices. When a message is sent over a network, it must be secure to ensure that it is safe from anybody sitting in the middle listening to the conversation and having the ability to access, alter, or modify the message....
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What is the MD5 Algorithm?
MD5 is a cryptographic hash function algorithm that takes the message as input of any length and changes it into a fixed-length message of 16 bytes. MD5 algorithm stands for the message-digest algorithm. MD5 was developed as an improvement of MD4, with advanced security purposes. The output of MD5 (Digest size) is always 128 bits. MD5 was developed in 1991 by Ronald Rivest....
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Double DES and Triple DES
As we know the Data encryption standard (DES) uses 56 bit key to encrypt any plain text which can be easily be cracked by using modern technologies. To prevent this from happening double DES and triple DES were introduced which are much more secured than the original DES because it uses 112 and 168 bit keys respectively. They offer much more security than DES....
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An Overview of Cloud Cryptography
Cloud cryptography is a set of techniques used to secure data stored and processed in cloud computing environments. It provides data privacy, data integrity, and data confidentiality by using encryption and secure key management systems. Common methods used in cloud cryptography include:...
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Simplified Data Encryption Standard Key Generation
Simplified Data Encryption Standard (S-DES) is a simple version of the DES Algorithm. It is similar to the DES algorithm but is a smaller algorithm and has fewer parameters than DES. It was made for educational purposes so that understanding DES would become simpler.  It is a block cipher that takes a block of plain text and converts it into ciphertext.  It takes a block of 8 bit....
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What is N2 Problem in Cryptography?
The N2 problem emerges as a significant challenge in cryptography, protecting and safeguarding the information is most important. This problem is related to the issues of scalability and it arises when handling large volumes of data and also when processing numerous cryptographic operations at the same time. In this article, we will understand the N2 problem because it is very crucial for having efficient cryptographic systems and ensuring the security of digital assets....
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Encryption vs Hashing vs Salting
Data Integrity and Privacy form the building blocks of cybersecurity. These three core techniques- encryption, hashing, and salting, are considered to be the most important ones when it comes to the security of digital data. This is done to protect data during the process of storage and transmission, but they altogether play different roles and use a wide variety of mechanisms to achieve this....
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Avalanche Effect in Cryptography
In cryptography, the avalanche effect is a term associated with a specific behavior of mathematical functions used for encryption. Avalanche effect is considered as one of the desirable property of any encryption algorithm. A slight change in either the key or the plain-text should result in a significant change in the cipher-text. This property is termed as avalanche effect....
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Full domain Hashing with variable Hash size in Python
A cryptographic hash function is a special class of hash function that has certain properties which make it suitable for use in cryptography. It is a mathematical algorithm that maps data of arbitrary size to a bit string of a fixed size (a hash function) which is designed to also be a one-way function, that is, a function which is infeasible to invert. In this article, let us understand one such type of hashing with variable hash size. Traditional RSA Signature schemes are based on the following sequence of steps:...
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