What Happens to the Bus Topology if the Main Cable is Cut?

Answer: If the main cable in the bus topology network is disconnected, the entire network will be affected and disabled and connectivity and communication will be lost between the connected devices or unable to transmit or receive data. Because in a bus network topology, all devices are connected to a single node called the central node/ bus. Therefore, the main cable must be well protected and maintained to avoid damage.

Bus Topology

  • Bus topology also called horizontal topology.
  • In bus topology, multiple devices are connected one by one, by means of connectors or drop cables.
  • When one computer sends a signal up (and down) the wire, all the computers on the network receive the information, but only one accepts the information (using address matching). The rest discard the message.
  • Bus is passive topology because it requires termination. Cable cannot be left unterminated in a bus network.


In conclusion, a bus topology is a cable cut can have a multiple impact, like resulting in disconnect of all connected devices and loss of access to shared resources. Proactive measures, such as regular monitoring, cable protection are essential for maintenance.

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