Difference between Tree Topology and Bus Topology

1. Tree Topology: 

Tree topology is a type of network topology in which the nodes are arranged in the design of a tree. In tree topology, branching cable starts from the node at the head top known as the root node. The branching cable having no loops connect the root with all other nodes in hierarchical manner for communication. Tree topology is more expensive as it is densely wired.


2. Bus Topology: 

Bus topology is a type of network topology in which each included node is connected to a single main cable which acts as the backbone of the network. In bus topology, the communication between nodes are done through the main network cable. Bus topology is very less expensive as one continuous cable is used. 


The difference between Tree Topology and Bus Topology are as follows:

S. No. Tree Topology Bus Topology
1. In tree topology, the nodes are organized in the form of a tree. In a bus topology, each included node is connected to a single cable which is known as the backbone.
2. Tree topology provides high security. While security is very low in bus topology.
3. Tree topology is largely complex to understand as compared to bus topology. Bus topology is the simplest one in terms of complexity.
4. Tree topology is also referred to as hierarchical topology. Bus topology is also known as line topology.
5. Tree topology is expensive as it is densely wired. Bus topology is very less expensive as one continuous cable is used.
6. Tree topology is used for WAN. Bus topology is generally suited for LAN as the installation is easy.
7. Tree topology is not as slow as a bus topology. Bus topology is slower compared to the tree topology because of transmission by one node at a time.
8. It is a topology that employs huge cabling. It is a topology that works with limited-length cabling.
9. Fault identification is easy in a tree topology. Fault identification is difficult in a bus topology.
10. There is no such requirement. The requirement of terminators at both ends in a bus topology in order to prevent signal bouncing.

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