What Classes are commonly used for Card Components in Tailwind CSS ?

In Tailwind CSS, Commonly used classes for card components include “bg-white” for the card background, “p-4” for padding, “rounded-md” for rounded corners, and “shadow-md” for a subtle shadow effect. These classes provide a quick and responsive way to style card elements in a Tailwind CSS project.

Trivial Card Component Classes


Sets the background colour of the card. Replace [color] with the desired colour name or value.

<div class="bg-gray-200">
<!-- Card Content -->


Specifies the text colour of the card content. Use [color] for the desired text colour.

<p class="text-blue-500">Card Text</p>

border and border-[color]

Applies a border to the card. Optionally, you can set the border colour using [color].

<div class="border border-gray-300"> 
<!-- Card Content -->

rounded-md or rounded-lg

Adds rounded corners to the card for a softer appearance.

<div class="rounded-md"> 
<!-- Card Content -->

shadow-md or shadow-lg

Applies a shadow to the card, creating a depth effect.

<div class="shadow-md"> 
<!-- Card Content -->


Sets padding around the card content. Replace [padding] with the desired padding size.

<div class="p-4"> 
<!-- Card Content -->


Adds a larger shadow on hover, enhancing interactivity.

<div class="hover:shadow-lg"> 
<!-- Card Content -->

flex and items-center or justify-between:

Aligns card content using flexbox for more control over layout.

<div class="flex items-center justify-between"> 
<!-- Card Content -->


Changes the background color on hover for a subtle interactive effect.

<div class="hover:bg-gray-300"> 
<!-- Card Content -->


Applies smooth transitions for a polished user experience.

<div class="transition-transform duration-300 ease-in-out transform hover:scale-105">
     <!-- Card Content -->

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