What Bearer Types Are Used for WAP in GSM?

GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, it is a standard that was developed by the European Telecommunication Standards Institute ( ETSI). It was launched or started to describe the protocols for second-generation or 2G digital cellular networks. It was developed in the early 1970s in Bell Laboratories. This was a replacement for the first generation of 1G cellular networks. It is an open, digital cellular radio network that is currently operating in more than 200 countries. It uses a technology known as narrowband time division multiple access or TDMA. It is mainly used for voice calls but can also be used for sending text messages or computing data. 

The GSM operates on mostly 3 frequencies 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz for various purposes. the 900 MHz was used for the original GSM system, 1800 was effective once the users started increasing and it was difficult to maintain the quality on the 900 MHz frequency. 1900MHZ is only used in the US. The main disadvantage of GSM is the shared bandwidth. Multiple users tend to use the same bandwidth for their purposes so there may be some interference due to the limitations. One more disadvantage of it is that it causes electronic interference. This is the reason mobile phones are requested to be turned off in sensitive locations like flights and hospitals. 

WAP or Wireless Application Protocol:

WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol. It was introduced in 1999. It is an open global specification that supports and enables the usage of wireless networks. It does so by allowing the users of wireless devices access and the ability to interact with wireless information services and applications like 3G, 4G, LTE, Wi-Fi, etc. All the specifications that are present in WAP are based on and according to Internet standards. It extends to reflections in the wireless device environment. All the specifications in WAP architecture are arranged in the protocol stack.

The type of bearers used in GSM and WAP can be run over the short message services or SMS or CDS Circuit Switched Data.

Bearer Types Are Used for WAP in GSM:

The WAP stack consists of various layers namely:

  • WAE – Wireless Application Environment
  • WSP – Wireless Session Protocol
  • WTP – Wireless Transaction Protocol
  • WTLS – Wireless Transaction Layer Security
  • WDP – Wireless Datagram Protocol
  • WCMP – Wireless Control Message Protocol

WAE – Wireless Application Environment: It mainly contains programming languages like WML, which are used for content development. The functions of this layer are similar to that of JavaScript. It stores the various tools required by wireless Internet content developers. It may include some scripting languages like WML and WMLScript. They are used in conjunction with WML.

WSP – Wireless Session Protocol: The session layer determines whether the session should be connection-oriented or it should be connectionless. It provides suggestions for fast connection suspension. In a connection-oriented session, the data is transported between the device and the network. After the data transfer, the package is passed to the next layer WTP.

WTP – Wireless Transaction Protocol: The main purpose of Wireless Transaction Protocol is to offer transaction support. in this layer, the information gets streamlined or is broadcasted from the device. It is a part of TCP/IP. It mainly runs on top of UDP or User Datagram Protocol.

WTLS – Wireless Transaction Layer Security: The main use of Wireless Transport Layer Security is to provide security in terms of data integrity, authentication, and privacy. This process helps to save your data. It also has the capacity to work like Transport Layer Security.

WDP – WIRELESS DATAGRAM PROTOCOL: The said WDP ( Wireless Datagram Protocol ) layer operates on many bearers based on the network type being used. The main purpose of the WDP is to offer a consistent interface for upper layers, the reason being that the communication takes place in a transparent manner using any of the available bearer services. The bearers are used by the WAP protocol stack for the lower interface of datagram services and allow the WAP to be used by various other network types. The bearers of WAP are the products of other types of medium that implements WAP in their own networks and technology like CDPD, GSM, etc. 

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