Difference between GPRS and WAP

1. General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) :
GPRS is an acronym for General Packet Radio Service. It was the first-ever internet technology, developed to facilitate data transmission between mobile phones and towers. It was developed in the year 1993. Not only that, but it was implemented in 2G and 3G connections, but it does not have support for internet browsing. GPRS offers a wide range of services, including SMS (Short Message Service), MMS (Multimedia Message Service), Internet networking, P2P (Point-to-point), P2M (Point-to-multipoint), etc.

2. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) :
WAP is an acronym for Wireless Application Protocol. It is an internet access technology, introduced in 1999 and became very popular in the early 2000s. Furthermore, it was replaced by new technologies. It is a lighter internet version for old devices with old processors, and it uses the GPRS facility for data transmission. It comes with a protocol suite that includes protocols like Wireless Application Environment, Wireless Transaction Protocol, Wireless Session Protocol, Wireless Transport Layer Security, Wireless Datagram Protocol. These protocols perform different functions. Furthermore, with the advancement of technology, a newer version of WAP was introduced in 2002 known as WAP 2.0. 

Difference between GPRS and WAP :




1. GPRS stands for Wireless Application Protocol. WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol.
2. GPRS was introduced in the year 1993. WAP was first introduced in the year 1999.
3. It is a lighter version of dial-up.  It is a lighter version of HTML.
4. It does not support internet browsing. WAP supports the facility of internet browsing.
5. It runs slow on old processors. WAP runs fast on old hardware also due to its light size.
6. GPRS is compatible only with 2G and 3G connections. WAP can be used on EDGE as well as 2G and 3G.
7. It is used for the transmission of data from mobile phones to towers. It is used for the transmission of internet data from mobile phones to towers, i.e. its uses GPRS.
8. It is an extension of the GSM network and offers higher data transfer rates than GSM. WAP is an application layer protocol and runs on top of the mobile network technology such as GPRS.
9. GPRS provides “always-on” internet connectivity, allowing users to stay connected to the internet without the need to connect and disconnect every time. WAP provides mobile internet browsing capability through WAP-enabled devices.
10. GPRS supports a wide range of mobile applications, such as email, mobile banking, and instant messaging. WAP is mainly designed to access mobile-friendly websites and web applications.
11. GPRS is used for M2M communication and other data-intensive applications, such as mobile gaming. WAP is mainly used for accessing mobile-friendly websites and basic internet services.
12. GPRS provides a more reliable and secure means of data transmission than WAP. WAP is less secure than GPRS, and users may be vulnerable to phishing attacks and other security threats.


GPRS and WAP are two different mobile technologies that serve different purposes. GPRS provides faster data transfer rates, is more reliable and secure than WAP, and supports a wide range of mobile applications. WAP, on the other hand, is mainly used for accessing mobile-friendly websites and basic internet services. While both technologies have their strengths and weaknesses, GPRS is a better choice for data-intensive applications and services.


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