Six Trigonometric Functions

Trigonometry can be defined as the branch of mathematics that determines and studies the relationships between the sides of a triangle and the angles subtended by them. Trigonometry is used in the case of right-angled triangles. Trigonometric functions define the relationships between the 3 sides and the angles of a triangle. There are 6 trigonometric functions mainly.

Before going into the study of the trigonometric functions we will learn about the 3 sides of a right-angled triangle.

The three sides of a right-angled triangle are as follows,

Right Triangle

  • Base: The side(RQ) on which the angle θ lies is known as the base.
  • Perpendicular: It is the side(PQ) opposite to the angle θ  in consideration.
  • Hypotenuse: It is the longest side(PR) in a right-angled triangle and opposite to the 90° angle.

Trigonometric Functions

Trigonometry has 6 basic trigonometric functions, they are sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, and cotangent. Now let’s look into the trigonometric functions. The six trigonometric functions are as follows,

  • Sine Function: It is represented as sin θ and is defined as the ratio of perpendicular and hypotenuse.
  • Cosine Function: It is represented as cos θ and is defined as the ratio of base and hypotenuse.
  • Tangent Function: It is represented as tan θ and is defined as the ratio of sine and cosine of an angle. Thus the definition of tangent comes out to be the ratio of perpendicular and base.
  • Secant Function: It is the reciprocal of cos θ and is represented as sec θ.

What are Six Trigonometry Functions?

The six trigonometric functions have formulae for the right-angled triangles, the formulae help in identifying the lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle, lets take a look at all those formulae,

Trigonometric FunctionsFormulae
sin θ
cos θ
tan θ
cosec θ
sec θ
cot θ

The below table shows the values of these functions at some standard angles,

[Tex]sin\theta = \frac{P}{H}[/Tex][Tex]0[/Tex][Tex]\frac{1}{2}[/Tex][Tex]\frac{1}{\sqrt2}[/Tex][Tex]\frac{\sqrt3}{2}[/Tex][Tex]1[/Tex]
[Tex]cos\theta = \frac{B}{H}[/Tex][Tex]1[/Tex][Tex]\frac{\sqrt3}{2}[/Tex][Tex]\frac{1}{\sqrt2}[/Tex][Tex]\frac{1}{2}[/Tex][Tex]0[/Tex]
[Tex]tan\theta = \frac{sin\theta}{cos\theta}=\frac{P}{B}[/Tex][Tex]0[/Tex][Tex]\frac{1}{\sqrt3}[/Tex][Tex]1[/Tex][Tex]\sqrt3[/Tex]
[Tex]cosec\theta = \frac{H}{P}[/Tex][Tex]2[/Tex][Tex]\sqrt2[/Tex][Tex]\frac{2}{\sqrt3}[/Tex][Tex]1[/Tex]
[Tex]sec\theta = \frac{H}{B}[/Tex][Tex]1[/Tex][Tex]\frac{2}{\sqrt3}[/Tex][Tex]\sqrt2[/Tex][Tex]2[/Tex]
[Tex]cot\theta = \frac{B}{P}[/Tex][Tex]\sqrt3[/Tex][Tex]1[/Tex][Tex]\frac{1}{\sqrt3}[/Tex][Tex]0[/Tex]

Note: It is advised to remember the first 3 trigonometric functions and their values at these standard angles for ease of calculations.

Sample Problems on Six Trigonometric Functions

Problem 1: Evaluate sine, cosine, and tangent in the following figure.



  • P = 3
  • B = 4
  • H = 5

Using the trigonometric formulas for sine, cosine and tangent,




Problem 2: In the same triangle evaluate secant, cosecant, and cotangent. 


As it is known the values of sine, cosine and tangent, we can easily calculate the required ratios.




Problem 3: Given [Tex]tan\theta=\frac{6}{8}[/Tex], evaluate sin θ.cos θ.



Thus P = 6, B = 8

Using Pythagoras theorem,

H2 = P2 + B2

H2= 36 + 64 = 100

Therefore, H =10

Now, [Tex]sin\theta= \frac{6}{10}[/Tex]


Problem 4: If [Tex]cot\theta = \frac{12}{13}[/Tex], evaluate tan2θ.


Given [Tex]cot\theta=\frac{12}{13}[/Tex]

Thus [Tex]tan\theta=\frac{1}{cot\theta}=\frac{13}{12}[/Tex]

[Tex]\therefore tan^2\theta=\frac{169}{144}[/Tex]

Problem 5: In the given triangle, verify sin2θ + cos2θ = 1



  • P = 12
  • B = 5
  • H = 13

Thus [Tex]sin\theta=\frac{12}{13}[/Tex]





Hence verified.

FAQs on Six Trigonometric Functions

What are the 6 trigonometry functions?

Main Trigonometric Functions are:

  • Sine (sin)
  • Cosine (cos)
  • Tangent (tan)
  • Secant (sec)
  • Cosecant (csc)
  • Cotangent (cot)

Who is the father of trigonometry?

Hipparchus is the father of Trigonometry

Who found zero?

Origin of zero in India came from a well-known astronomer and mathematician of his time, Aryabhatta.

What is the full form of trigonometry?

Word trigonometry is derived from Greek words trigonon (“triangle”) and metron (“to measure”).

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