Exponential Functions: Definition, Formula and Examples

Exponential Function is a Mathematical function that involves exponents. It is written in the form f (x) = ax, where β€œx” is a variable and β€œa” is a constant. The constant a is the base of the function and it should be greater than 0.

Exponential Functions

An exponential function is classified into two types, i.e., exponential growth and exponential decay. If the function is increasing then it’s called exponential growth and if the function is decreasing then it’s called exponential decay.

Let’s know more about Exponential Function definition, formula, properties and examples in detail below.

Table of Content

  • What is Exponential Function?
  • Exponential Function Formula
  • Exponential Function Graph
  • Exponential Function Series
  • Exponential Function Properties
  • Domain and Range of Exponential Functions
  • Exponential Function Rules
  • Exponential Functions Examples

What is Exponential Function?

An exponential function is a mathematical function of the form f(x) = a.bx, where:

  • a is a constant term known as the coefficient
  • b is the base of the exponential function, which is a positive constant,
  • x represents the exponent, which can be any real number.

Exponential Function Definition

A mathematical function in the form of f(x) = ax, where β€œa” is called the base of the function, which is a constant greater than 0, and β€œx” is the exponent of the function, which is a variable. When x > 1, the function f(x) increases with increasing x values. The value of β€œe” is approximately equal to 2.71828.

Exponential Function Formula

The formula of exponential function is given as follows:

f(x) = ax, where a>0 and a β‰  1 and x ∈ R

The exponential function is classified into two types based on the growth or decay of an exponential curve. They are :

  1. Exponential Growth
  2. Exponential Decay

Exponential Growth

In Exponential Growth, a quantity increases slowly and then progresses rapidly. An exponentially growing function has an increasing graph. It can be used to illustrate economic growth, population expansion, compound interest, growth of bacteria in a culture, population increases, etc.

The formula for exponential growth is:

y = a(1 + r)x

where, r is Growth Percentage

Exponential Decay

In Exponential Decay, a quantity decreases very rapidly at first and then fades gradually. An exponentially decaying function has a decreasing graph. The concept of exponential decay can be applied to determine half-life, mean lifetime, population decay, radioactive decay, etc.

The formula for exponential decay is:

y = a(1 – r)x

where, r is Decay Percentage

Exponential Function Graph

The image given below represents the graphs of the exponential functions y = ex and y = e-x. From the graphs, we can understand that the ex graph is increasing while the graph of e-x is decreasing. The domain of both functions is the set of all real numbers, while the range is the set of all positive real numbers.

Exponential Curve

For an exponential function y = ax (a>1), the logarithm of y to base e is x = logay, which is the logarithmic function. Now, observe the graph of the natural logarithmic function y = logex. From the graph, we can notice that a logarithmic function is only defined for positive real values.

As the logarithmic function is not defined for negative values, its domain is the set of all positive real numbers.

Curve comparison of log x and ex

Exponential Function Series

Exponential function ex can be expressed as an infinite series. This series is known as its Taylor series expansion, and it is derived using the function’s derivatives evaluated at zero.

Exponential function ex is defined as:

ex = βˆ‘ xn/n!

where n! (n factorial) is the product of all positive integers up to n.

Derivation of Exponential Function Series

Consider the exponential function f(x) = ex

We know that,

d/dx (ex) = d2/dx2(ex) = … = dn/dxn(ex) = ex

Taylor series expansion of a function f(x) about x = 0 is given by:

f(x) = f(0) + fβ€²(0).x/1! + fβ€²β€²(0).x2/2! + fβ€²β€²β€²(0).x3/3! + β‹― …(i)

f(x) = βˆ‘ {f(n)(0)​/n!}xn

f(x) = ex, we have:

f(0) = e0 = 1

fβ€²(0) = e0 = 1

fβ€²β€²(0) = e0 = 1

fβ€²β€²β€²(0) = e0 = 1


All derivatives of ex evaluated at x = 0 are equal to 1.

Substituting these values into the Taylor series formula eq(i)

ex = 1 + x/1!​ + x2/2!​ + x3/3! ​+ β‹―

Thus, exponential function series is derived.

Exponential Function Properties

Below are the some properties of Exponential Function.

Domain and Range

  • Domain: The domain of an exponential function is all real numbers, (βˆ’βˆž,∞)
  • Range: The range depends on the value of a. If a>0, the range is (0,∞). If a<0, the range is (βˆ’βˆž,0).


  • Y-intercept: When x=0, f(0)=aβ‹…b0=a. Thus, the y-intercept is at (0,a).
  • X-intercept: For the standard exponential function aβ‹…bx, there is no x-intercept because bxβ‰ 0 for any real x.


  • Exponential functions have a horizontal asymptote. For f(x)=aβ‹…bx, if a>0, the horizontal asymptote is y=0. If a<0, the horizontal asymptote is also y=0, but the function approaches it from below.

Domain and Range of Exponential Functions

For a typical exponential function of the form, f(x) = ax, where a is a positive constant, the domain encompasses all real numbers. This means that you can input any real number x into the function.

On the other hand, the range of an exponential function is limited to positive real numbers. No matter what real number you choose for x, the output of f(x) will always be greater than zero. This is because any positive number raised to a power, whether that power is positive, negative, or zero, will result in a positive number.

Thus, the range of f(x) = ax is (0, ∞), indicating that the function never touches or crosses the x-axis but grows indefinitely as x increases.

Exponential Graph of f(x) = 2x

Let us consider an exponential function f(x) = 2x.









f(x)= 2x f(-3) = 2-3 = 1/8 = 0.125 f(-2) = 2-2 = 1/4 = 0.25 f(-1) = 2-1 = 1/2 = 0.5 f(0) = 20 = 1 f(1) = 21 = 2 f(2) = 22 = 4 f(3)= 23 = 8

Graph of 2^x

From the graph, we can observe that the graph of f(x) = 2x is upward-sloping, increasing faster as the value of x increases. The graph formed is increasing and is also smooth and continuous. The graph lies above the X-axis and passes through (0, 1).

As x approaches negative infinity, the graph becomes arbitrarily close to the X-axis. The domain of an exponential function holds all real values, whereas its range contains all values greater than zero (y>0).

Exponential Function Rules

Following are some of the important formulas used for solving problems involving exponential functions:

Rules for Exponential Functions

Power of zero rule a0 =1
Negative power rule a-x = 1/ax
Product Rule ax Γ— ay = a(x + y)
Quotient Rule ax/ay = a(x – y)
Power of power rule (ax)y = axy
Power of a product power rule ax Γ— bx=(ab)x
Power of a fraction rule (a/b)x= ax/bx
Fractional exponent rule

(a)1/y = y√a

(a)x/y = y√(ax)

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Exponential Functions Examples

Let’s solve some questions on the Exponential Functions.

Example 1: Simplify the exponential function 5x – 5x+3.


Given exponential function: 5x – 5x+3

From the properties of an exponential function, we have ax Γ— ay = a(x + y)

So, 5x+3 = 5x Γ— 53 = 125Γ—5x

Now, the given function can be written as

5x – 5x+3 = 5x – 125Γ—5x

= 5x(1 – 125)


= –124(5x)

Hence, the simplified form of the given exponential function is –124(5x).

Example 2: Find the value of x in the given expression: 43Γ— (4)x+5 = (4)2x+12.



43Γ— (4)x+5 = (4)2x+12

From the properties of an exponential function, we have ax Γ— ay = a(x + y)

β‡’ (4)3+x+5 = (4)2x+12

β‡’(4)x+8 = (4)2x+12

Now, as the bases are equal, equate the powers.

β‡’ x+8 = 2x+12

β‡’ x – 2x = 12 – 8

β‡’ – x = 4

β‡’ x = –4

Hence, the value of x is –4.

Example 3: Simplify: (3/4)–6 Γ— (3/4)8.


Given: (3/4)–6 Γ— (3/4)8

From the properties of an exponential function, we have ax Γ— ay = a(x + y)

Thus, (3/4)–6Γ—(3/4)8 = (3/4)(–6+8)

= (3/4)2

= 3/4 Γ— 3/4 = 9/16

Hence, (3/4)–6 Γ— (3/4)8 = 9/16.

Example 4: In the year 2009, the population of the town was 60,000. If the population is increasing every year by 7%, then what will be the population of the town after 5 years?


Given data:

  • Population of the town in 2009 (a) = 60,000
  • Rate of increase (r) = 7%
  • Time span (x) = 5 years

Now, by the formula for the exponential growth, we get,

y = a(1+ r)x

= 60,000(1 + 0.07)5

= 60,000(1.07)5

= 84,153.1038 β‰ˆ 84,153.

So, the population of the town after 5 years will be 84,153.

Exponential Functions Practice Questions

Q1. Calculate the value of f(x) for f(x) = 3.2x when x = 4.

Q2. Given the exponential function g(x) = 5.(0.5)x, sketch the graph of the function. Indicate the behavior of the function as x increases and as x decreases. Identify any asymptotes and intercepts.

Q3. A population of bacteria doubles every hour. If the initial population is 200 bacteria, express the population P as an exponential function of time t in hours. Then, find the population after 6 hours.

Q4. Solve for x in the exponential equation 10.3x = 90.

Exponential Function – FAQs

What is Exponential Function?

An exponential function is defined as a mathematical function with the formula f(x) = ax, where β€œx” is a variable and is known as the exponent of the function, and β€œa” is a constant greater than zero and is known as the base of the function.

What are Properties of Exponential Function?

Some properties of Exponential Function are:

  • Domain of an exponential function holds all real values, whereas its range contains all values greater than zero (y>0).
  • Its graph is upward-sloping, increasing faster as the value of x increases. The graph lies above the X-axis and passes through (0, 1). As x approaches negative infinity, the graph becomes arbitrarily close to the X-axis.

What are Exponential Formulas?

The following are some exponential formulas for exponential functions. They hold true if a > 0 and for all real values of m and n.

  • ax Γ— ay = a(x + y)
  • ax/ay = a(x – y)
  • a0 = 1
  • a-x = 1/ax
  • (am)n = amn

What are Types of Exponential Functions?

Exponential function is classified into two types based on the growth or decay of an exponential curve, i.e., exponential growth and exponential decay.

What are Formula of Exponential Growth and Exponential Decay?

Formula for exponential growth is:

y = a(1+ r)x where r is the growth percentage

Formula for exponential decay is:

y = a(1 – r)x, where r is the decay percentage

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