What are the Maximum Networks and Hosts in a Class A, B and C Network?

Answer: Maximum networks and hosts in a Class A network is 16,777,216 with 16,777,214 hosts per network, Class B network contains 65,534 networks with 65,534 hosts per network, and Class C network 2,097,152 networks with 254 hosts per network.

The IP address have different class namely class A, class B, class C, class D and class E. In these classes class D is used for multicast and class E is reserved IP addresses. The class A, class B and class C IP address are assigned accordingly. We will discuss the maximum number of networks and hosts in each class. Below table represents the maximum number of networks and hosts in a class A, B and C network.

Class of IP

Maximum Number of Networks

Maximum Number of Host

Class A


224 – 2

Class B


216 -2

Class C



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