Why Star network is More Efficient in Network Fault Tolerance in Place of Bus Network?

Answer: Star networks offer better fault tolerance than bus networks because a single point of failure in a star network (the central hub) affects only the connected device, while a fault in a bus network can disrupt communication for all devices on the bus.

Advantages of Star Topology Over Bus Topology

  • Individual Connection Points: In a star network, each device has its own dedicated connection to the central hub. This means that issues in one connection, only affect the single node connected by that link. The rest of the network remains operational and unaffected by this fault. This is a stark contrast to a bus network, where a single fault on the common communication line can disrupt the entire network.
  • Easier Problem Isolation and Resolution: The star topology ce­ntral setup simplifies pinpointing issues. Eve­ry device links to one ce­ntral point. So it is directly identify if a node, its connection, or the­ central device itse­lf, faces trouble.
  • No Signal Collision: Star networks do not suffer from signal collisions because each node communicates directly with the central hub.
  • Redundancy Options: Star topologies allow for enhanced redundancy measures. These setups provide pathways for data to reroute in case of a central device failure, further improving fault tolerance.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Adding or removing nodes in a star network is relatively simple and does not impact the entire network.


Overall, the star topology significantly enhances its fault tolerance capabilities by isolating faults, simplifying troubleshooting, eliminating collisions, and allowing effective redundancy strategies, making it far superior in maintaining network integrity compared to the bus topology.

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