What are Group and Group-hover Classes in Tailwind CSS ?

Tailwind CSS Group and Group-hover Classes are used for styling nested elements based on the hover state of their parent container. The group class serves as a container, and the group-hover class allows you to style nested elements when the container is being hovered.


<div class="group">

<!-- Your container content here -->
<p class="group-hover:text-blue-500">Hover me!</p>


Class Description
group Acts as a container for nested elements, creating a context for styling based on states or interactions like hover.
group-hover Applies styles to nested elements when the parent container is being hovered, enhancing the visual appearance.

Key Features

  • Encapsulated The group class provides a way to encapsulate styles within a container, allowing for more organized and context-specific styling.
  • Hover-Dependent Styles: group-hover enables the application of styles to nested elements only when the parent container is being hovered, offering dynamic and interactive design possibilities.
  • Simplified Hover Effects: Easily create hover effects for specific elements without relying on complex JavaScript or additional CSS rules.

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