What are different Dropdown Components in Bootstrap ?

Dropdowns in Bootstrap provide interactive menus for users to choose from a list of options. They enhance user experience by organizing content into manageable sections, enabling users to access additional features or navigate to different parts of a website with ease.


The below table illustrates the Bootstrap dropdown components alongside their description.

Component Description
Basic Dropdown The standard dropdown menu (<div class=”dropdown”>) provides a simple list of selectable options that can be triggered by a button or link.
Split Button Dropdown A split button dropdown (<div class=”btn-group”>) combines a regular button with a dropdown button, offering both direct action and additional options.
Dropdown Menu The dropdown menu (<ul class=”dropdown-menu”>) is the container for the dropdown items, which can include links, buttons, or other interactive elements.
Dropdown Divider A dropdown divider (<div class=”dropdown-divider”>) is used to visually separate groups of related dropdown items.
Dropdown Header A dropdown header (<h6 class=”dropdown-header”>) provides a title or label for a group of dropdown items, enhancing organization and clarity.

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