WebLogic vs JBoss

Oracle’s WebLogic and JBoss are the most widely used JAVA EE application servers in the market nowadays. WebLogic is an application server-type platform. Though both are JAVA servers, both of them have completely different purposes. We will study the differences between them on the basis of Deployment, Database Connectivity, Clustering, Expenses, etc. Let us first learn what are these servers along with their advantages and disadvantages.

What is WebLogic?

WebLogic is an application server that is used to centralize application services and access backend enterprise systems. An enterprise-level Java application platform for creation, installation, and execution is offered by WebLogic.

It was developed by Oracle. It is written in JAVA language. California State University-Stanislaus, NetSuite Inc., Red Hat Inc, and Blackfriars Group are some of the companies that use WebLogic.

Features of WebLogic:

  • It adheres completely with the specifications of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE).
  • Both clustering and load balancing are supported.
  • It includes extensive monitoring and administration features.
  • It offers transaction recovery methods, two-phase commit protocols, and distributed transactions.

Advantages of WebLogic:

  • Security: It has high security features to protect the data of the applications.
  • Resources: This provides access to online resources, forum discussions, and Oracle support, making it simpler to address challenges and find solutions.
  • Server Environment: It has high management and monitoring tools that helps the administrators to monitor and control the server environment.
  • Applications: It has centralized administration console and command-line utilities that helps in managing server configurations, deploying applications, and monitoring performance metrics.

Disadvantages of WebLogic:

  • Cost: It is quite expensive as the license is needed to use and it is not be suitable for small businesses.
  • Dependency: Since Oracle owns the product, its strategic decisions will influence its ongoing improvement and maintenance.
  • Complexity: It is quite complex to configure and manage, especially for beginners.

What is JBoss?

JBoss is a tool that is used to build and run and then deploy, and manage enterprise Java applications in a variety of environments. The environment including on-premise, virtual environments, and in private, public, and hybrid clouds.

It was a startup based in Atlanta, Georgia in 2004 and in 2006, was acquired by Red Hat. Therap Services LLC, Tata Sky, Nissan, Emirates Group are few companies that use JBoss.

Features of JBoss:

  • A online web administration console is provided.
  • To maintain data consistency across numerous resources and databases due to to its support for distributed transactions.
  • It supports the Java EE specifications and APIs.
  • It provides a modular architecture that enables customise your application as per your needs.

Advantages of JBoss:

  • Architecture: The lightweight and flexible architecture of JBoss EAP helps users to deploy only the components and services as per their needs.
  • Protocols: Web services, Java Message Service (JMS), Java Connector Architecture (JCA), and other integration standards and protocols are supported in JBoss.
  • Interaction: It offers adapters and connectors for interacting with popular databases and business systems.
  • Support: It has a huge user base, helps in growth and offers support.

Disadvantages of JBoss:

  • Resources: It requires additional resources for installation and configuration.
  • Speed and installation: Slow and is difficult to set-up.
  • Documentation Gaps: Despite the significant amount of documentation provided by JBoss, it contains few errors or sometimes it is out of date. This makes it sometimes more difficult to resolve.
  • Steep Learning Curve: Developers and administrators who are new to the platform may encounter difficulties due to the steep learning curve as it requires solid understanding on Java EE concepts and the server’s architecture.

Difference between WebLogic and JBoss





It was developed by Oracle.

It was a startup based in Atlanta, Georgia in 2004 and in 2006, was acquired by Red Hat.


It is recommended for all the APIs.

It is supported by only few characteristics in JBoss.

JMS Clustering

It provides JMS Clustering.

It does not provide JMS Clustering.

Database Connectivity

JDBC API is used for database connectivity.

It is already available in JBoss.


There are various ways of deployment in WebLogic.

There is only one way for deployment that is very simple and fast.


California State University-Stanislaus, NetSuite Inc, Red Hat Inc, Blackfriars Group are some of the companies that use WebLogic.

Therap Services LLC, Tata Sky, Nissan, Emirates Group are few companies that use JBoss.


It is on the higher side in terms of expenses.

JBoss is lower in cost than WebLogic.

Console Requirements

Console Requirements can be changed in WebLogic.

Console Requirements can be changed in WebLogic.


Both the products are benefitting their companies in their own way.

  • JBoss does not provide JMS Clustering whereas WebLogic is faster and does provides JMS Clustering.
  • Also, JBoss is suited for small organizations because it is free and open-source.
  • WebLogic is not considered for small businesses as to use this platform one needs to buy license which is expensive.

Both the products have its own advantages and disadvantages and the selection of the product depends on the organization according to their own requirements

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