Difference Between WebLogic and WebSphere

WebLogic is an application server and it was developed by Oracle corporation. It is written in Java programming language and is available for different platforms. Its initial release was in 2016 and its stable release was in 2020. It helps the users to write business logic code and then deploy the application in an easy way. Several functionalities like access to the database, and messaging features for communication are available with it.

WebSphere is also an application server and is mostly used for web applications. The development credit for this server goes to IBM. It is available for different operating systems like Linux, Solaris, Windows etc. Initially, it was released in 1998 and the stable version came to the market in 2016. It is built using the Java language.

Below is a table of differentiation between WebLogic and WebSphere:




1. Oracle corporation build the WebLogic application server. IBM build the WebSphere application server.
2. It is hard to understand for novice users. Basic functionalities are easy to understand.
3. MySQL, DB2, Oracle etc are the databases that are supported by WebLogic. Informix, DB2, Sybase, IBM Derby etc are the databases that are supported by WebSphere.
4. It supports a large number of modules as compared to WebSphere. Supported modules are less in the case of WebSphere.
5. REST API functionality is available for accessing logs. REST API functionality is not available. 
6. Database connectivity is achieved through JTA and JNDI. JDBC and JCA are mainly used for database connectivity.
7. Network protocols used are HTTP, IIOP, HTTPS etc. JMS, HTTP, MQ, HTTPS etc are supported network protocols.
8. It is comparatively new to the technology market. It is much older as compared to WebLogic so it is considered mature.

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