Web Scripting Virus

Web Scripting Virus is malware that has the capacity to breach web browser security.  When it breaches the web browser security, it injects some malicious code to take over the web browser and alter some settings. This type of malware spreads like any other computer virus. It mainly spread with the help of infected webpage ads that pop-up in the webpage. It also has the capability to send some spam mails and try to damage the data of the user. The main target of the web scripting virus is social networking sites. When this virus affects the web browser, it can make the device slow. It can empower some dangerous attacks like DDOS attacks.

Types of Web-Scripting Virus :

There are two types of Web-Scripting virus –

  • Non-Persistent Web Scripting Virus – 
    This virus attacks the user, without getting noticed. The activity of this virus takes place in the background and makes it not visible to the user.
  • Persistent Web Scripting Virus – 
    This virus has the capacity to impersonate the user and cause a lot of damage.

Functions of the web scripting virus :

  • It breaches the web browser security to take over the web browser and make some changes in it.
  • It can also be used for sending spam emails(phishing).
  • It can also spread and affect the system of the user through ads that pop-up on the webpage.
  • It can also be used to create a malicious link, which could be sent as an attachment in an Email.

Symptoms of the web-scripting virus :

  • The system getting shut down automatically.
  • Getting redirected to malicious sites.
  • The background of the desktop can get changed.
  • The browser homepage getting changed automatically.

Ways to prevent the web-scripting virus attack :

  1. Use Chrome Anti Malware Program.
  2. Users can reset the browser.
  3. Users can reinstall the browser.
  4. Users should have an antivirus that has the capability to warn the user of any virus attack and protect the system.

Advantage of the web scripting virus :

  • It can also be used to send spam emails(phishing).
  • It spreads much faster with the help of infected webpage ads that pop-up on the webpage.
  • It can engender a bit quicker than some other virus-like code-red, blaster, and more.

Disadvantage of the web scripting virus :

  • It can damage the data of the user.
  • It can be used to steal confidential data.

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