Difference between Worms and Virus

1. Worms : 
Worms are similar to a virus but it does not modify the program. It replicates itself more and more to cause slow down the computer system. Worms can be controlled by remote. The main objective of worms is to eat the system resources. The WannaCry ransomware worm in 2000 exploits the Windows Server Message Block (SMBv1) which is a resource-sharing protocol.

2. Virus : 
A virus is a malicious executable code attached to another executable file that can be harmless or can modify or delete data. When the computer program runs attached with a virus it performs some action such as deleting a file from the computer system. Viruses can’t be controlled by remote. The ILOVEYOU virus spreads through email attachments. 

Difference between Worms and Virus : 


Sr.No. Basis of Comparison WORMS VIRUS
1. Definition A Worm is a form of malware that replicates itself and can spread to different computers via Network. A Virus is a malicious executable code attached to another executable file which can be harmless or can modify or delete data. 
2. Objective The main objective of worms is to eat the system resources. It consumes system resources such as memory and bandwidth and made the system slow in speed to such an extent that it stops responding.  The main objective of viruses is to modify the information.
3. Host It doesn’t need a host to replicate from one computer to another. It requires a host is needed for spreading.
4. Harmful It is less harmful as compared. It is more harmful.
5. Detection and Protection Worms can be detected and removed by the Antivirus and firewall. Antivirus software is used for protection against viruses.
6. Controlled by Worms can be controlled by remote. Viruses can’t be controlled by remote.
7. Execution Worms are executed via weaknesses in the system. Viruses are executed via executable files.
8. Comes from Worms generally comes from the downloaded files or through a network connection. Viruses generally comes from the shared or downloaded files.
9. Symptoms
  • Hampering computer performance by slowing down it
  • Automatic opening and running of programs
  • Sending of emails without your knowledge
  • Affected the performance of web browser
  • Error messages concerning to system and operating system
  • Pop-up windows linking to malicious websites
  • Hampering computer performance by slowing down it
  • After booting, starting of unknown programs.
  • Passwords get changed without your knowledge
10. Prevention
  • Keep your operating system and system in updated state
  • Avoid clicking on links from untrusted or unknown websites
  • Avoid opening emails from unknown sources
  • Use antivirus software and a firewall
  • Installation of Antivirus software
  • Never open email attachments
  • Avoid usage of pirated software
  • Keep your operating system updated
  • Keep your browser updated as old versions are vulnerable to linking to malicious websites
11. Types Internet worms, Instant messaging worms, Email worms, File sharing worms, Internet relay chat (IRC) worms are different types of worms. Boot sector virus, Direct Action virus, Polymorphic virus, Macro virus, Overwrite virus, File Infector virus are different types of viruses
12. Examples Examples of worms include Morris worm, storm worm, etc. Examples of viruses include Creeper, Blaster, Slammer, etc.
13. Interface It does not need human action to replicate. It needs human action to replicate.
14. Speed Its spreading speed is faster. Its spreading speed is slower as compared to worms.


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