Wayfair Interview Experience For Senior Software Engineer

I interviewed at Wayfair in February 2024. The interview process is as follows.

Round 1

The online coding round includes 2 Algo/DS questions and 1 SQL query question. SQL question was way too tough it required computations as well as joins and nested queries in 3 tables. Along with that 2 coding questions of medium level.

Round 2

1:1 Algo/DS round, which includes 1 easy and 1 medium-level question:

  • Check if a given string is palindrome.
  • Find the longest palindromic substring in a given string.

P.S: You have to write test cases as well to prove your code.

Round 3

System design round where I was asked to design a Parking Lot with API endpoints, Class design and DB design.

Verdict: Rejected

P.S. After R3 they have one last round i.e. Techno-manager round, sort of fitment round.

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