Water Images – Non Verbal Reasoning

Non Verbal Reasoning Water Images: In the world of thinking logically, “Water Images” is a fascinating idea. It’s about understanding how things change when they reflect in water. This skill is useful in areas like maths, understanding space, and even in art. Water images aren’t just about seeing something pretty in a pond or a lake; they have practical uses in many parts of our lives. For example, in maths, knowing about water images can help us understand tricky geometric ideas. It can also make us better at thinking about where things are in space, which is important in jobs like designing buildings or bridges.

Water images are also important for artists. Sometimes artists use water reflections to make their paintings look more real and beautiful. If you can figure out how to use water images in your art, it can make your work really special. But working with water images can be a bit tough. It’s like solving a puzzle where you need to imagine how things will look when they reflect on the water.

Water Images – Solved Examples

1. Which of the following images is the correct water image of the word “bridge”?


Option (2)

2. Which of the following images is the correct water image of the word “A1M3b”?


Option (3)

3. Which of the following images is the correct water image of the word “ACOUSTIC”?


Option (2)

4. Which of the following images is the correct water image of the word “RECRUIT”?


Option (2)

5. Which of the following images is the correct water image of the word “DISC”?


Option (3)

6. Which of the following images is the correct water image of the word “BK50RP62”?


Option (2)

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