Grouping of Images Questions – Non Verbal Reasoning

Grouping of Images Questions test your ability to visualize quickly, make a pattern, and find the relationship between images. Examiner gives a set of 6-8 images and you have to group the images with similar properties.

Important government exams like SSC, contain one very important section which is Non-verbal reasoning. Out of which, questions related to the grouping of images occur very frequently and in a good bunch so you should not miss on practicing grouping of images questions.

In this article, we will discuss the steps of how quickly you can solve the grouping of image-based questions in any exam like SSC. We are also going to practice a few questions based on different possible patterns with detailed solutions. 

How to Solve Grouping of Images Questions in SSC CGL?

To solve the grouping of image questions in any exam effortlessly, you can follow the below-mentioned steps. Kindly go through the steps nicely and analyze them. 

Step 1: Carefully examine all the given images in the question.

Step 2: Try to determine the pattern based on which you can group the images. 

Step 3: In case you aren’t able to find an exact pattern, based on your pattern use the elimination method. Try to eliminate the incorrect options. 

Step 4: To confirm your answer cross verify the images once. 

Step 5: The ultimate key to success is only practice. At least practice 10 questions each based on different patterns. 

Let’s dive into important examples with their detailed solution to give you a better perspective on the topic.

Grouping of Images: Non-Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers

Directions to Solve

Group the given figures into 2 or 3 classes (as mentioned in the question) in each of the following questions, using each figure only once.

Question 1: A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 3 classes. Choose from the correct group.



(A) 2,3; 4,6; 5,1
(B) 1,5; 2,3; 4,6
(C) 1,4; 3,2; 5,6
(D) 1,3; 4,2; 5,6


As we can see none of the colors are matching, so we will now go with the shapes.
1 - 5 has lines on its side.
2 - 3 has 2 lines inside the shapes.
4 - 6 has an another shape inside them. 

Correct option is (B): 1-5, 2-3, 4-6

Question 2: A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 3 classes. Choose from the correct group.



(A). 2,3,4 ; 5,6,8 ; 9,1,7
(B). 1,3,5 ; 2,6,9 ; 4,7,8
(C). 1,3,5 ; 2,6,8 ; 4,7,9
(D). 3,2,4 ; 6,5,8 ; 7,9,1


Figures 1, 3, and 5 have curved boundaries.
Triangles - 2, 6, and 8.
Quadrilaterals: 4, 7, and 9.

Question 3: A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 3 classes. Choose from the correct group.



(A) 1,3; 2,4; 5,6
(B) 1,4; 3,5; 2,6
(C) 1,5; 2,4; 3,6
(D) 1,6; 3,4; 2,5


There is no combination in color, triangle is only colored as green, similarly rectangle as blue and star as pink.
3-6- Normal shapes
1-5 - Two shapes are touching each other externally
2-4 - One shape is inside the other shape

Question 4:  A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 3 classes. Choose from the correct group.



(A). 3,7,8; 4,5,9; 1,2,6
(B). 1,5,8; 2,6,7 ; 3,4,9
(C). 1,5,8; 2,4,9; 3,6,7
(D). 2,4,9; 6,7,8; 1,3,5


Correct answer is  1,5,8; 2,6,7 ; 3,4,9
1-5-8: One shape is inside the other shape
2-6-7: Two Non identical shapes intersecting each other
3-4-9 : Two identical shapes intersecting each other

Question 5: A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 3 classes. Choose from the correct group.



(A). 1,3,4    2,5,9    6,7,8
(B). 1,2,3    4,5,6    7,8,9
(C). 1,5,9    2,4,7    3,6,8
(D). 3,7,8    1,6,5    4,2,9


Figures (1), (3), and (4) all have three sides as can be seen.
Five-sided figures (2), (5), and (9) are shown.
Figures 6 through 8 all have four sides.

Question 6: A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 2 classes. Choose from the correct group.



(A). 2, 4, 5, 7; 1, 3, 6, 8
(B). 1, 4, 5, 8; 2, 3, 6, 7
(C). 2, 3, 5, 7; 1, 4, 6, 8
(D). 1, 2, 5, 8; 3, 4, 6, 7


Right angles are shown in the figures 3, 4, 6, and 7.
The figures 1, 2, 5, and 8 are either acute or obtuse angles.

Question 7:  A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 3 classes. Choose from the correct group.



(A). 1, 7, 8; 2, 6, 5; 3, 4, 9
(B). 1, 8, 9; 2, 3, 5; 4, 6, 7
(C). 2, 3, 5; 1, 7, 8; 4, 6, 9
(D). 2, 6, 7; 1, 3, 4; 5, 8, 9


Based on the above-mentioned series of figures, which can be categorised as:
Figures 1, 8, and 9:  2 black dots
Graphs (2), (3), and (5): single black dot
Figures (4) through (7): 3black dots

Question 8:  A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 3 classes. Choose from the correct group.



A. 1, 4, 8; 2, 5, 7; 3, 9, 6
B. 1, 4, 6; 2, 5, 8; 3, 7, 9 
C. 1, 4, 6; 2, 5, 7; 3, 8, 9
D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9


Figures (1, 4, 6) ⇒ There are two similar designs.
Figures (2, 5, 8) ⇒ Irregular figures
Figures (3, 7, 9) ⇒ The main design is divided into eight parts.

Question 9:  A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 3 classes. Choose from the correct group.



A. 1, 5, 7; 2, 4, 9; 3, 6, 8
B. 1, 5, 7; 2, 8, 9; 3, 4, 6
C. 1, 7, 8; 2, 4, 9; 3, 5, 6
D. 1, 4, 6; 5, 8, 9; 2, 3, 7


An English letter, two circles, one star, and oblique lines can be seen in Figures 1, 5, and 7.
An English letter and a dot can be found in Figures 2, 4, and 9.
A cross sign(s) and an English letter can be found in Figures 3, 6, and 8.

Question 10:  Match the correct option.



A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4


Figures 2, 3 and 6 are circles.
Figures 1, 5 and 7 are quadrilaterals.
Figures 4, 8 and 9 contain a diagonal.

Question 11. A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 3 classes. Choose from the correct group.


A. 1,4,9
B. 1,4,5 
C. 1,4,6
D. 1,3,6


Figures 1-4-9- Cuboid
Figures 2-6-8-Pot with Lid
Figures 3-5-7- Different articles.

Question 12: A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 3 classes. Choose from the correct group.


A. 1, 2, 3; 4, 8, 9; 5, 7, 6
B. 4, 5, 7; 3, 1, 2; 7, 8, 9
C. 1, 3, 7; 8, 9, 4; 2, 5, 6
D. 3, 5, 6; 8, 7, 4; 9, 1, 2


Figures (1), (3), and (7) A three-unit system
Figures (9) (and 8) and 4): only one figure
Figures (2) through (6): Fifth unit

Question 13. Group on the basis of options provided.


A. (1, 5, 7; 2, 4, 9; 3, 6, 8)
B.(1, 5, 8; 2, 4, 9; 3, 6, 7)
C.(1, 5, 7; 2, 4, 8; 3, 6, 9)
D.(1, 5, 7; 2, 4, 3; 8, 6, 9)


Based on the series of figures above, they can be divided into the following groups: Groups 1, 5, and 7 One line segment, one arrowhead, and one circle.
One arrow in groups 2, 4, and 8.
One curve with an arrowhead is in groups 3, 6, and 9.

Question 14. Group on the basis of options provided.


A.[1, 7; 2, 4; 3, 5; 6, 8]
B.[1, 4; 2, 7; 3, 5; 6, 8]
C.[1, 3; 2, 7; 6, 8; 4, 5]
D.[1, 4; 3, 6; 3, 5; 7, 8]


Similar patterns can be seen in Figures 1 and 4, 
similarly, 2-7, 3-5, 6-8 are similar.

Question 15. A series of figures are provided that can be classified into 3 classes. Choose from the correct group.


A. 1, 6, 9; 2, 4, 7; 4, 9, 3
B. 1, 6, 9; 2, 4, 7; 3, 9, 8
C. 1, 3, 5; 2, 6, 7; 4, 8, 9
D. 1, 6, 9; 2, 4, 7; 3, 5, 8


Half-shaded designs are shown in Figures (1), (6), and (9)
Designs in Figures (2), (4), and (7) feature lines and a black dot.
Figures (3), (5), and (8): Four-sector design.

Throughout our discussion, we have addressed a range of questions related to the grouping of images in various competitive exams, starting from easy to challenging levels. As a result, you should now have a decent understanding of this topic.

In conclusion, non-verbal reasoning questions such as grouping of images are an important part of the SSC exam, and require a systematic approach to solve. By carefully examining the given images, identifying the possible groupings, eliminating incorrect options, and checking for alternative groupings, you can improve your chances of getting the correct answer. With enough practice, you can develop a strong skillset for solving these types of questions and excel in the SSC exam.

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Grouping of Images Questions – FAQs

Q1. What is grouping of figures?

In grouping of images based questions, different figures are put together and you need to make 2 -3 groups out of  it by finding the common pattern in them.

Q2. What is figure matrix?

In figure matrix, you will find images has been put in 3 x 3 matrix and on the basis of pattern in any rows, you need to find the missing figure in the third row. 

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