Wand affine distort() function in Python

Affine distortion method performs shear operation to the image. Arguments are similar to perspective distortion method, but only need a pair of 3 points and 12 Real numbers in the manner shown below: 

src1x, src1y, dst1x, dst1y,
src2x, src2y, dst2x, dst2y,
src3x, src3y, dst3x, dst3y


Syntax: wand.image.distort(‘affine’, arguments)

Input Image: 

Example #1: 


# Import Color from wand.color module
from wand.color import Color
# Import Image from wand.image module
from wand.image import Image
with Image(filename ='gog.png') as img:
    img.resize(140, 92)
    img.background_color = Color('skyblue')
    img.virtual_pixel = 'background'
    args = (
        10, 10, 15, 15# Point 1: (10, 10) => (15,  15)
        139, 0, 100, 20, # Point 2: (139, 0) => (100, 20)
        0, 92, 50, 80    # Point 3: (0,  92) => (50,  80)
    # affine distortion using distort function
    img.distort('affine', args)
    img.save(filename ="affinegfg.png")


Example #2: 
changing argument values. 


# Import Color from wand.color module
from wand.color import Color
# Import Image from wand.image module
from wand.image import Image
with Image(filename ='gog.png') as img:
    img.resize(140, 92)
    img.background_color = Color('skyblue')
    img.virtual_pixel = 'background'
    args = (
        20, 21, 12, 11# Point 1: (10, 10) => (15,  15)
        38, 1, 17, 0, # Point 2: (139, 0) => (100, 20)
        7, 92, 50, 80    # Point 3: (0,  92) => (50,  80)
    # affine distortion using distort function
    img.distort('affine', args)
    img.save(filename ="affinegfg2.png")



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