Python – Image() function in Wand
In this specific article we will learn how to read our image through Python wand module. To read image in Wand we use Image() function. To manipulate an image first of all we need to read image in Python....
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Wand wavelet_denoise() function – Python
The wavelet_denoise() function is an inbuilt function in the Python Wand ImageMagick library which is used to remove noise by applying a wavelet transform....
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Wand sketch() function – Python
The sketch() function is an inbuilt function in the Python Wand ImageMagick library which is used to simulate a pencil sketch effect....
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wxPython – AddTool() function in wx.ToolBar
AddTool() is another function in wx.ToolBar class of wxPython. AddTool() function simply adds a tool to the Toolbar. This is another version of AddTool() function with greater number of parameters. it adds parameters like : bmpDisabled, longHelp, clientData....
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Wand clahe() function – Python
The clahe() function is an inbuilt function in the Python Wand ImageMagick library which is used to contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization....
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Wand shave() function – Python
The shave() function is an inbuilt function in the Python Wand ImageMagick library which is used to remove pixels from the image....
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Wand remap() function in Python
The Remap Effect replaces all pixels with the closest matching pixel found in the affinity reference image. remap() rebuild image palette with closest color from given affinity image....
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Wand local_contrast() function – Python
The local_contrast() function is an inbuilt function in the Python Wand ImageMagick library which is used to increase light-dark transitions within the image....
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Wand solarize() function – Python
The solarize() function is an inbuilt function in the Python Wand ImageMagick library which is used to negate all pixels above the threshold level....
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Wand oil_paint() function – Python
The oil_paint() function is an inbuilt function in the Python Wand ImageMagick library which is used to simulate an oil painting by replace each pixel with most frequent surrounding color....
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Wand line() function in Python
line() is another drawing function present in wand.drawing module. As the name implies line() function is used to draw a line in the image. line() function only need two arguments that are start and end point of the line that we want to draw....
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Wand adaptive_resize() function – Python
The adaptive_resize() function is an inbuilt function in the Python Wand ImageMagick library which is used to resize the image by mesh interpolation technique. It is present in class wand.image....
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