Walmart Sparkplug Interview Experience For SDE Internship (2024)

So Walmart hosts an online contest comprising three rounds each year, from which the top100 folks get a chance to be a summer intern for 2 months in the firm;

I participated in Sparkplug this year and performed well, but due to some hard luck, I was rejected in the final round despite solving the round’s questions within 10 minutes.

Here’s a brief about how all the 3 rounds were:

Round-1 (MCQs):

  • There were 25 mcq questions, with no negative marking.
  • The main focus of the questions was OOPs and Operating Systems.
  • You may also face 1 or 2 basic SQL queries.

Round-2 (DSA):

  • It comprised two basic level DSA problems.
  • The first one was a simple greedy question based on sortings.
  • The second was a simple 2D DP problem, very intuitive.
  • The cumulative score of round 1 and round 2 is used to shortlist students for the final round.

Round-3 (DSA):

  • Again 2 questions, surprisingly these 2 were easier than the ones in the round.
  • The first one was a basic bit manipulation problem.
  • The second one was a simple question involving counting odds in the array.

My Advice:

  • When compared to the online assessments of other companies, Walmart chooses to ask relatively simpler and intuitive problems;
  • So the primary focus of a candidate should be on speed and accuracy, as the problems are really easy so almost everyone manages to solve them.
  • Also, the proctoring is very strict from Walmart’s side; So make sure to stay focused on the screen throughout the whole duration of the exam, a little looking away from the screen and your candidature may be considered cancelled despite not using any unfair practices. It happened to a lot of people I know that’s why warning you all.

Good Luck.

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