Odoo Interview Experience

Round 1: Resume Shortlisting

The initial hurdle in my journey with Odoo was the resume shortlisting round. Despite multiple attempts, my resume didn’t cut until I followed the suggestion of using a specific resume-building website. This minor adjustment made a significant difference, leading to my selection for the subsequent rounds.

Round 2: Coding Challenge

After successfully passing the resume screening, I was tasked with a coding challenge consisting of four questions to be completed within a time limit of 90 minutes. The questions varied in difficulty, covering topics such as graphs, SQL, and dynamic programming. Despite the challenges, I managed to complete all the questions within the stipulated time.

Round 3: The Technical Interview and HR Evaluation

In the first technical interview round conducted over Google Meet, I faced two coding questions. Although the first question on calculating determinants seemed straightforward, I initially took the wrong approach, which resulted in some extra time consumption. However, I managed to rectify my approach and proceed to the next question on merging intervals using recursion. The interviewer then challenged me to solve the problem using object-oriented programming principles, which added an extra layer of complexity to the task. Additionally, I encountered questions related to OOP concepts.

After that, I underwent two 30-minute tests administered by the HR department. The first test focused on English proficiency, where I had to compose a customer email, simplify a software feature explanation, and articulate why I was the best fit for the organization. The second test assessed my aptitude through various questions.

Round 4: Final Interview with Engineering Manager

The final hurdle in my interview journey was the meeting with the Engineering Manager. Despite initial nervousness, the interview proceeded smoothly. The manager began by requesting an introduction and then delved into a discussion about the Mutation Observer. Although unfamiliar with the concept, the manager provided documentation and encouraged me to utilize Google for further research. I was then tasked with creating a webpage using HTML and JavaScript, incorporating Mutation Observer to track changes in a div element triggered by button clicks. This practical exercise aimed to assess my ability to quickly adapt and learn new concepts.

Conclusion: Offer Extended

After successfully completing the final interview, I received the exciting news of my selection from the HR department. They confirmed my joining date, marking the culmination of my journey with Odoo.

Navigating through the various rounds of interviews with Odoo was a challenging yet rewarding experience. Each stage presented unique opportunities to showcase my skills and abilities, ultimately leading to a successful outcome. Through perseverance, preparation, and adaptability, I was able to secure a position with a reputable organization like Odoo. My journey serves as a testament to the importance of diligence and determination in achieving career goals.

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