VS Code Timeline

The globally popular, extensively used Visual Studio Code (often abbreviated as VS Code) IDE provides a resourceful feature for local version control of the source code: the Timeline feature. This is a completely free tool for the maintenance of an extensive version history, for every single file in a codebase. The Timeline tool is present by default in every VS Code IDE, not requiring any separate installation or updates, unlike the IDE’s extensions. True to its name, this tool provides a timeline of all the changes made in a given file, that’s always accessible at the bottom of the screen.

Timeline feature in Visual Studio Code


The timeline tab is present at the bottom, on expanding the Explorer Panel. Clicking > icon expands the timeline history.


1. Inexpensive local version history maintainer

Allows to see the local version history of the file, without having to commit to any external version control system like Git or BitBucket.

Timeline Versioning

2. No Internet connection is needed

Even after turning off the internet, then making a change and saving it, the change is saved to the timeline.

3. Useful before sharing code with fellow developers

Sharing code with fellow developers means merging at least a portion of your code at some point with others, so the version history does not show your sole versions. Having your personal version history helps to better your programming skills, and be a better contributor to the team.

4. Pinpointed detection of bugs

By comparing the changes between all the versions, it’s easy for the developer to identify at which points have bugs been introduced into the code.

5. Reference point if something breaks in production

If a break in production is suspected to be because of your pull request’s merging, the Timeline tool can easily share with date and time of every single change in your code for clarity for everyone in the team. Similarly, others can present their timelines too. This will help in faster brainstorming and then the resolution of the issue by the team lead.

6. Better team collaboration

Everyone using a timeline tool for tracking changes in every single file that is submitted for merging in the central project leads to more transparency, smoother communication and hence better collaboration among teammates.

7. Better coding standards

The team lead can compare versions and recommend the best practices to follow and the standards to avoid. This leads to everyone in the team following the same recommended standards, producing more maintainable and bankable source code that is easier to reference.

8. Supports long-term projects

In continuation of the above point, projects with a duration of even 10 years or more can be better maintained more transparently, even though many of the original team members may have left and many new teammates have joined.

9. Easier Knowledge Transfer (KT) to New Joinees

Due to its extensive documentation of changes in every teammate’s code in their local systems, makes the KT process smoother, shorter and easier. This helps the new joinees to get onboarded faster and start contributing to the team.

Pro Tip

Always click on the Timeline icon while you start to code in a new file. This triggers and activates the Timeline tool to keep working automatically throughout the file’s lifetime.


Timeline is often missed and overlooked by programmers using Visual Studio Code. Many are not even aware of it. A timeline is a crucial tool that should be extensively used for improving code quality and minimizing bugs. Even after a coder returns from a long vacation and has forgotten what changes in the code led to what, the Timeline tool has a clear history that helps in instantaneous recollection. This accelerates the resumption of work and boosts productivity. Leveraging the Timeline tool efficiently streamlines workflows and leads to better and faster software development cycles. This tool serves as a big boon for teams working in small-scale companies which work on constrained budgets, to deliver a better output while simultaneously building a more enriched work experience.

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