unordered_multiset end() function in C++ STL

The unordered_multiset::end() is a built-in function in C++ STL which returns an iterator pointing to the position immediately after the last element in the container or to the position immediately after the last element in one of its bucket.



Parameters: The function accepts one parameter. If a parameter is passed, it returns an iterator pointing to the position immediately after the last element in the bucket. If no parameter is passed, then it returns an iterator pointing to the position immediately after the last element in the unordered_multiset container.

Return Value: It returns an iterator.

Below programs illustrates the above function:

Program 1:

// C++ program to illustrate the
// unordered_multiset::end() function
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // declaration
    unordered_multiset<int> sample;
    // inserts element
    cout << "\nElements: ";
    // prints all element till the last
    for (auto it = sample.begin(); it != sample.end(); it++)
        cout << *it << " ";
    return 0;


Elements: 14 13 15 10 11

Program 2:

// C++ program to illustrate the
// unordered_multiset::end() function
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // declaration
    unordered_multiset<char> sample;
    // inserts element
    cout << "\nElements: ";
    // prints all element
    for (auto it = sample.begin(); it != sample.end(); it++)
        cout << *it << " ";
    return 0;


Elements: z x c a b

Program 3:

// C++ program to illustrate the
// unordered_multiset::end() function
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // declaration
    unordered_multiset<char> sample;
    // inserts element
    cout << "\nElements in first bucket: ";
    // prints all element
    for (auto it = sample.begin(1); it != sample.end(1); it++)
        cout << *it << " ";
    return 0;


Elements in first bucket: x c

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