Under what circumstances will my registration be cancelled or changed without my consent?

Your TOEFL registration may be canceled or changed without your consent due to unforeseen circumstances like technical issues, natural disasters, or other disruptions at the test center or any other violation by the candidate.

Your TOEFL registration might be canceled or changed without your consent under a few specific circumstances, typically related to situations beyond the control of both the test takers and the testing authorities. These include natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, or severe weather events that make it unsafe or impossible to open the test center. Other scenarios might involve unexpected technical issues that affect the ability of the test center to administer the test, such as power outages or significant computer system failures.

Additionally, if there are any security breaches or if the integrity of the test environment is compromised in any way, ETS may cancel or reschedule testing appointments to ensure fairness and the validity of the test outcomes. In such events, ETS usually provides as much notice as possible and offers options for rescheduling or refunding test fees to affected candidates.

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