TypeScript String padEnd() method

The padEnd() method, in TypeScript, is the opposite of padStart() which can be used to insert characters at the end of a string. Unlike its counterpart padStart() it also focuses on adding padding at the string’s conclusion to maintain uniformity.


string.padEnd(targetLength: number, padString?: string): string


  • targetLength: Here you have to pass the length you want the final string to be, after adding padding.
  • padString(Optional): The characters used for padding. Defaults, to spaces (‘ ‘) if not specified.

Return Value:

Returns a new string of the specified targetLength with the padString applied at the end of the current string.

Example 1: The below code is a basic implementation of the padEnd() method.


let originalStr: string = "w3wiki";
let paddedStr: string = originalStr.padEnd(20);
console.log(paddedStr, paddedStr.length);


w3wiki 20

Example 2: The below code adds a padding as 0 to the given string till the length of 6.


let numberString: string = "456";
let paddedNumber: string =
    numberString.padEnd(6, "0");
console.log(paddedNumber, paddedNumber.length);


456000 6

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